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What is a Programming language?
We need a specific language to communicate with a person; similarly, programmers also need a programming language to communicate with a person. A programming language is used to instruct a computer device to perform a specific task, to write computer software and computer programs. If you’re new to software development, the most challenging part of learning programming is figuring out where to start. Hundreds of programming languages are widely used, each with its difficulties.
Most Popular Programming Languages
Computer programming language makes our life simpler as all sectors like banks, hospitals, education, and many more are wholly dependent upon the programming languages. There are various types of programming languages used, but some most widely used programming languages are given below.
Guido van Rossum designed the python programming language. The design philosophy of this programming language, which was released in 1991, focuses on code readability, making it one of the easiest languages to learn. If you are new to the world of programming, you already have heard the buzz because of the features of Python.
What is Python?
Python is an open-source high-level programming language that is an object-oriented, reflective, functional, procedural, and structural language. Python helps programmers write logical and simple code for projects.
Features of Python
- Accessible to Code: Python is easy to learn and code compared to other object-oriented programming languages. Python uses simple English with less complexity.
- Open-source and Free: Python is an open-source programming language; anyone can work and contribute to its development. Python created its online platform where coders improve their programming language further. Anyone can download it because it’s free.
- Object-oriented Approach: Object-oriented simply means that python coding recognizes the concept of class, inheritance, data encapsulation, and various other things that allow programs to be more efficient in the long run.
- Highly Portable: Suppose you are running python on Windows, and you need to shift the same to the Linux(operating system); you can quickly achieve the same in python without worrying about changing the code. This feature is only available in the python programming language. Python coding is a highly portable language available in the world of programming.
JavaScript was developed by Sun Microsystem in 1995 and was initially known as LiveScript and is now owned by Oracle. In recent years, JavaScript has become thrilling to work with. JavaScript has created a well-organized, stable code base that provides excellent productivity, readability, and accessibility while also being fun to work with.
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript was invented to “make web pages alive.” The programs in this language are called scripts. They can be written directly in the HTML of a web page and run when the page is loaded. Scripts are provided in plain text format and executed as such they don’t require any extra setup or compilation to run.
Features Of JavaScript
- Validating User’s Input: JavaScript saves time by validating users’ input for errors. JavaScript is beneficial while using forms and checks data before sending it over to the server.
- Great Control: JavaScript gives the browser more control than dependent on the web servers. JavaScript adds functionality to various browsers that help reduce server load and network traffic.
- Generate HTML Content: JavaScript has a lot of valuable tools for generating dynamic HTML content on the web. It allows adding text, links, photos, tables, and other elements to a page after an event.
- Identifying the User’s Browser and Operating System: JavaScript is quite good at detecting the user’s browser and operating system. Even though JavaScript runs on all platforms, there may be times when we need the user’s browser before processing. That can be useful when writing code that generates different outputs on a different browser.
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. Don’t be fooled by the complicated name. HTML is one of the easiest ways to get started with programming.
What is HTML?
HTML is a markup language, which means it is in charge of arranging the appearance of information on a website. HTML is mainly used to describe web pages that are simple text. It is restricted to writing and arranging text on a website and does not have the same functionality as the other computer languages on this list. The HTML domain includes sections, headings, links, and paragraphs.
Features of HTML
- Web Development: Developers use HTML code to design, and browse displays, and web pages elements, such as hyperlinks, texts, and media files.
- Internet Navigation: Users can easily navigate and insert links between related pages and websites as HTML is heavily used to embed.
- Web Documentation: HTML makes it possible to organize and format documents, similarly to Microsoft word.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
CSS language contains coding elements and is composed of Cascading Style Sheets which are equally called CSS files.
What is CSS?
CSS is a designed language intended to simplify the process of making web pages representable. CSS is easy to learn and understand, and it provides control over the presentation of an HTML document. CSS describes how HTML elements are displayed on the screen and media files. CSS saves a lot of work because it can control; multiple layout web pages all at once.
Features of CSS
- Pages Load Faster: when you use CSS, you don’t need to write HTML tag attributes every time. Simply write a CSS rule for a tag and apply it to all instances of that tag. As a result, less means faster download time.
- Simple to maintain: To make a global change, simply modify the style, and all elements on all web pages will be automatically updated.
- Superior Styles to HTML: CSS offers a far more extensive set of characteristics than HTML. Thus you may give your HTML page a better look than HTML attributes.
- Multiple Device Compatibility: Style sheets with multiple device compatibility allow material to be optimized for multiple devices. Different versions of a website can be presented to handheld devices such as PDAs and mobile phones and for printing, utilizing the same HTML document.
Learn the Top Programming Language From the Experts
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Students are given several tasks at once during their studies, which adds stress. Therefore, we specialize in providing assignments to meet the requirements of the students. Our writing experts are always ready to help students with their assignments.