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The topic that has been selected for this annoted bibliography is “the effect of work life balance on employee performance”. The paper has identified four research papers that have been published in different journals. The paper firstly provides details of the research paper that have been discussed and then a summary of what the paper states has been presented.
The main issues at hand, that has been tried to investigate through this paper is the idea of work life balance and its impact on the performance of the employees. Through the detailed study and discussion of various published works this paper aims to present a better idea about the question under investigation. That is, does the work life balance have an impact on the performance of the employees?
Paper Topic: The Role of Work-Life Balance Practices in Order to Improve Organizational Performance
The first research paper that has been selected for this assignment has been published in the ‘European Research Studies’, the title of the research is “The Role of Work-Life Balance Practices in Order to Improve Organizational Performance”. The paper has been written By Ioan Lazăr Professor Ph.D.
The paper presents a detailed view on the role performance of the employees and the affective commitment of the employees. The findings of the study showed no direct effect of work-life balance on in-role performance. However, it was found that employees’ experience of work-life balance increases affective commitment and that affective commitment has a positive influence on in-role performance. As per the research the in spite of great results of work-life balance what's more, the expanded interests for this topic, less consideration has been made on what impact work-life balance has on employees’ attitudes and behaviors. To be sure, a large portion of the examinations to date on work-life balance have been directed in Western nations, not in Asian nations. Along these lines, this examination looked to comprehend work-life balance in Asian nations, particularly in Korea, and to contrast the outcomes and those from studies directed in Western nations. The discoveries of this concentrate could be helpful for Korean associations to comprehend the job of work-life balance in representatives' close to home and work life. The field research was conducted with the help of a survey questionnaire, and the data for this study were collected from the Korean business context where the interest in work-life balance has increased and the in-depth research on work-life balance is needed. The experimental link between work-life balance and affective commitment level of employees is a major contribution made by this study.
Paper Topic: Influence of Work Life Balance on Employees Performance: Moderated by Transactional Leadership
The other paper that has been chosen for this assignment is “Influence of Work Life Balance on Employees Performance: Moderated by Transactional Leadership”, the paper has been published in the ‘Journal of Resources Development and Management’. The paper has been written by Muhammad Aslam, for the COMSAT Institute of Information Technology.
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