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Compile a review report that (approximately 1500 words):
• describes the purpose, importance and role of business analytics in creating strategic value and competitive advantage.
• defines the analytics ecosystem (descriptive, predictive, prescriptive and exploratory analytics)
and illustrates how they are adopted by various industries in their key business functions ranging
from strategy, marketing and sales, operations (production), customer services etc.
• illustrates how the datamining process(CRISP-DM) can be implemented and in particular, challenges in implementing data mining and business analytics in agile business environments.
• describes the difference between business intelligence and business analytics, the challenges of achieving/cultivating analytic leadership and culture in practice.
Hint: please review all presentation slides and select the relevant knowledge points. You may also need to perform research on literature and industrial cases to explain and support your points.
Use academic, industrial and technical references and real case examples to support your views on each of the above. The report is required to be written in a professional format conforming to report guidelines noted below.
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