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Strategic, innovation and change management

Assignment Instruction -Strategic, innovation and change management

Assessment 3 Critical Reflective Video

  1. On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to: 1. Critically evaluate a range of theories and practices of strategic and change management;
  2. . Demonstrate ambidextrous applicability of organisational change practices in different circumstances, environments and contexts;
  1. Apply models of change to a range of complex and challenging contexts, inherent in planning and managing organisational change;
  2. 4. Appraise the nature of creativity and innovation and how to design and implement it for positive change;
  3. Critically reflect on the context and complications for the project and unit learning. Given the real life workplace context for your assignments and the COVID 19 situation, I would think it reasonable that you should reflect on the context and complications this had for your assignment.( This is important part to be covered in this script-10 points )

 (Write a script and video yourself - 8 minutes maximum)

Important                     The script will need to reflect critically on your own skills, attributes and knowledge of managing change and innovation. Discuss how you would do things differently in the future. The script should have an

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion
  • Referencing & Bibliography - On the cover page you submit with the link to the video.

Its is not an essay but a specific explanation or write up covering the above 1-5.The introduction AND conclusion to be 3-4 sentences and more of main body citation are required in the main body part.just the referecing and I will supply you with the ebook and u can include few journals as well in the referencing.script should have words count that can last for 8-9 minutes when we speak and video.(estimate and write -word count)

Expert's Answer

The learning of any module is usually measured by conducting an exam. An exam allows for capturing the learning in a format that can be easily understood. However, the exam is an application of learning and therefore there is a need to understand the learning as well. For this purpose, a reflection statement (done through video in this case) is an appropriate strategy. This video shows my learnings regarding strategy and change management.

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