STAT6200 Assessment 1 – Quiz 2 Inferential Statistics


This assessment aims to consolidate student’s knowledge of the topics covered in Modules 5 to

  1. By completing the exercise, students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of inferential statistics.


  • A maximum of 100 marks is set for this exercise and is worth 15% of the final grade for this subject.
  • Questions will comprise of a mixture of multiple choice, true and false, word match and calculation
  • Some questions will require basic computations with a calculator, Excel or pen and paper.
  • You will have ONE attempt for the exercise and 30 minutes to complete
  • If you leave the exercise for a period of time prior to completion, there will be a forced completion.
  • The exercise will be graded automatically and you will receive your mark


Academic integrity declaration

By attempting this Online Quiz, you agree to adhere to the full policies and procedures on Academic Integrity prior to, during and following this assessment.

I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure, viewable online at

Please note, all quizzes and tests are closed book assessments, and no learning materials are to be used in the completion of the assessment.

Expert's Answer

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