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Based on the above assumptions your task is to develop a project management PLAN for the MARSDEN 302 project which must:
1. Provide a brief project definition and scope (deliverables) of the MARSDEN 302 project
2. Propose project management practice/methodology for an effective management of the MARSDEN 302 project, which should reflect your professional attributes and aspirations as a project manager
3. Propose an appropriate project management techniques/tools that you would like your team to use on this particular project. The tools need to be briefly introduced and justified for the MARSDEN 302 project. The tools need to address all ten (10) core PMBOK areas.
4. Suggest the basic project parameters/ (boundaries) of your MARSDEN 302 project including: stakeholders, communication of project information, quality, time frames, cost and project resources procurement.
5. Explain how each of the proposed PMBOK tools is to be used during the MARSDEN 302 project lifecycle. The explanations must show logical link between 1- your proposed management practice, 2- capabilities of the proposed tools and 3- relevant project parameters.
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