SRM752 Advanced Project Management - Reflection Writing Help on Dark Side of Life, Preciousness of Life

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Story Title: Social Loneliness and Isolation - Dark Side of Life

She was still awake at 2 in the morning and was scrolling the Facebook wall with empty mind in hope of finding something worthy to feed the soul. Laura was a girl of 26 years, who has isolated herself from everyone, thinking that she can find peace in loneliness. Her parents died when she was 20 and she was living alone in small house, in a town near Melbourne. Death of her parents and financial crisis has led her in anger, frustration and self-pity. Concerns and sympathy of her friends and relatives was dragging her further in anger, and she has distant herself from everyone. At her job, she was rude and isolated girl who did not want to build relationship with anyone. 

With every passing day she was getting deep in the stream of depression and burnout. She was wrong that she could find peace in loneliness, instead she was getting afraid from her own shadow. Her life was becoming miserable with every passing day and still she was not willing to engage herself in social interactions.

At last, bored with her loneliness and depressed over her situation, she has decided to go for a walk in nearby park. She has observed people, who have taken necessary precautions to segregate themselves from others. Their earphones were on, and eyes were down on the screen. She got this realization that it is technology that has led to poor social ties between people. She has analyzed her own situation and found that if she was not available with options of social media and internet, then she would have maintained connection with her friends and relatives. 

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