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Question & Answers

SIT113 Cloud Computing and Virtualisation (2020)


  • As stated in the unit guide, each successful SIT113 student must achieve all unit learning outcomes (ULOs). These are in the Unit Guide.
  • This assessment task (Assessment Task 2 – Written Report) will only assess
  • The percentage breakdown of each ULO across the four summative assessment tasks, and the overall percentage weighting of each ULO are specified in the following table. A weighting value in a row is the sum of percentages within that row. For example, ULO2 is assessed in Task 2 and Task 4 (10% and 25% respectively), and 35% of marks for this unit are available from ULO2.

  • As indicated in the above table, the assessment of Task 2 relates to ULO2, and provides you with the possibility of obtaining up to 10 of the 35 percentage marks associated with


  • Each student is required to individually complete a written report containing:
    • your name and ID,
    • your answers to the following tasks,
    • citations,
    • references,
  • Your written report must not exceed 6 pages, excluding the references section. This limit will be strictly adhered to as markers have only a small amount of time (6 minutes) to assess each
  • Please do not submit PDF documents. It is expected and quite acceptable that Word (docx) documents are submitted for this assessment task via the Assignments tool in the SIT113 unit
  • Use the IEEE referencing style to correctly cite and create a section containing
  • It is imperative that you read the following Deakin resource regarding the IEEE referencing style


The CIO of a medium sized business is considering replacing their current on-premise web system with another web system hosted by AWS. Figure 1 depicts an overview of such an on-premise web system, and Table 1 shows the minimum requirements for each device of this current system and some details of devices.

The CIO has approval to proceed with the web architecture for AWS that is depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 1. Overview of the current Web Application system.

Task 1.           On Premise System (10 marks)Table 1. Minimum requirements and current devices of the current on-premise web system.

It might surprise you that the total cost of those devices in Table 1 can range from AU$50,000 to AU$100,000. Place the device names and you answers to (a) and (b) in one table.

  1. What is the cost of each device listed in Table 1?
  2. What is the total cost of those 10 devices listed in Table 1?

Task 2.           AWS System (10 marks)

After completing Task 1, you should have a cost estimate to build the on-premise system.

It will be nice to compare prices of that on-premise system to a similar system hosted by AWS. In order to cost this AWS system, you will need to find similar AWS devices that meet the minimum requirements listed in Table 1.

Use the following table template to store your answers to the following 5 questions. Effectively, fill in the grey shaded cells. You might need to alter this template as some AWS devices/services might not exactly match those of the on-premise system. For example, the router/firewall/load balancer is one TP-LINK device in the on-premise system. However, AWS might split this into 3 devices.

  1. What AWS devices/services will you use to build the AWS web application?
  2. What is the cost of 50GB per month data transfer IN?
  3. What is the cost of 500GB per month data transfer OUT?
  4. What is the cost per month of each AWS device/service?
  5. What is the total cost of those AWS devices for 3 years?

AWS provides pricing calculators which will help you obtain prices.

Table 2. Template Table.

Task 3.           Advantages (8 marks – approximately 100 words)

  1. Describe 3 advantages of the on-premise system over the AWS system?
  2. Describe 3 advantages of the AWS system over the on-premise system?
  3. Which system would you recommend and why?

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