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SIT103 Part 1 of Summative assessment Task 2

Summative assessment task-2:

A real-world database design and implementation project

Due dates:

Part-1: Project proposal, due date: Monday 14th September 8:00 pm (AEST) (Week 9). (Total Marks 75, weight 15%)

Part-2: Based on database design, implementation, loading and topics related to Big data

due date: Monday 12th October 8:00 pm (AEDT) (Week 13). (Total Marks 250, weight 45%)


This summative assessment task requires students to work independently on a real-world project related to a user centric and data intensive application. This is an individual assessment task.

Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs):

This summative assessment task will focus on the following ULOs:

ULO1: Students will describe the techniques used in storing and retrieving data.

ULO2: Students will evaluate data models and apply data modelling techniques to capture the data aspects of real-world situations

ULO3: Students will design and develop relational databases by using SQL and a database management system

Instructions (READ CAREFULLY)

·         Submission requirements

  • Must be submitted via the SIT103 unit site (CloudDeakin).
  • Part-1 (Proposal) of summative assessment task-2: Submit your proposal with all required components as mentioned in Part-1 description in this
  • You must place your name and student ID on the first page of your The proposal filename should be specified as: Assignment_2_1 - John Smith.docx. Replace “John Smith” with your name.
  • Part-2: (Project document) of summative assessment task-2: Project document needs to be submitted for Part-2 (database design, implementation, loading and topics on Big data). You must copy the ER diagrams in the You need to submit the original file for ER diagram with format of the design software. You also need to submit your proposal (Part- 1) as part of Part-2 submission, so that assessor can verify the design easily.
  • You must place your name and student ID on the first page of the report for part-2. The report filename should be specified as: Assignment_2_2 - John Smith.docx. Replace “John Smith” with your

·         Referencing requirements

  • Use the IEEE referencing style to correctly cite and create a section containing

For further information on IEEE referencing style, see Deakin resource site at :

Academic Integrity

  • Your attention is drawn to the Academic Integrity which is available on the unit site. Anyone using cut-and-paste or copying of other people’s work will be easily identified by Turnitin and the The outcome of such actions will be a disciplinary committee hearing which can have very serious outcomes. Please read the relevant information on the unit site under Resources > Assessment.

Contract cheating? DON’T DO IT, see here

Part-1 of Summative assessment Task-2:

You are required to select a user centric and data intensive web application (Website) and prepare a proposal for your project based on the selected website.

An example proposal: In your summative assessment task-1(Assignment-1, page-4 to 6), Task-4 description: section-1 to section-2 provides you an example of a proposal.

Tasks  for   your   proposal   preparation  and   components   of   your proposal:

You should accomplish the following activities as part of your proposal preparation:

Select a website of a company. Analyse the website, find the business services that the company provides, its organizational structure and company mission. Identify the target customers of the company, understand the operations of these services from their website. You can go through other websites who are offering similar business services to get more ideas about a particular business. Then select a particular business service or more than one service from your selected website for your proposal. You should select a business service which requires users to supply data. The service is required to provide information to the users in a form of report and queries and fulfil the requirements of the users. Please see component-3 in the following list for more information about users. Please see component-7 in the following list for more information about report. Assume any reasonable information in addition to the information provided in the selected website to fulfil the requirements of your proposal as specified below.

Proposal components: Complete an initial study and conduct activities for data analysis and requirements based on your selected website and service to prepare a proposal. Your proposal should have the following components:

  • Write the website address and provide a snapshot of the [2 Marks]
  • Write a brief description about the This should include its mission, services that are offered by the company and organizational structure of the company. [8 Marks] Hints: An example of company description is given in the “Burwood real estate” case study from your assignment-1, Task-4, section (1.a). Sample organizational structure is shown in week-2 (lecture slide-8).
  • List your selected service and related users. You should consider at least two types of users for your selected service. One user group should be from consumer of the service who receive the service (e.g. customer, patient, student) and another user group should be from service facilitators/providers: (g. Manager, executive officer, company staff, professor, sales person, doctor, volunteer, vendor). [5 Marks]

Hints: An example of different user groups in the “Burwood real estate” from your assignment-1 (task-4): consumer of the service: Home owner, service facilitator: (property manager, company CEO), Dual role -consumer/facilitator): Contractor etc. The user of the service will be required to provide input data (data sources) to the database system and the system should be able to provide required information to the users (in a form of report). Week-2 slides (15-17) discuss examples about how the reports and data sources are related to the different user groups.

  • Operational description of the selected service form your selected

Provide a detailed operational description of your selected service. This should include the description of business procedure (steps) required to provide, manage and use the service. This also should include data requirements of the service from the users and information requirements of the users from the service. Operational description should relate the data sources and reports to the description of business procedure.

Please see component-3 for more details about users in the above. Please see component-7 in the following list for data sources and reports. Operational description will help you to define entities, attributes, relationships, connectivities, cardinalities, and constraints which are required for your conceptual design of this assignment. Therefore, please read the requirements of conceptual design (ER diagram) in Part-2 of summative assessment task-2 in this document (page- 6) when writing the operational description.                                                                                             [25 Marks]

Hints: An example of operational description of a service ( “Burwood Real Estate: maintenance services” ) is given in your assignment-1, Task 4, sections 1.a and 1.b. Another example of operational description is given in week-5, practical-4 task document “Barwon Health prescription service”. References for more examples are given in page-5 in this document.

  • Definition of the problem (Problem description)

When defining the problem, you can assume that the selected business service is currently not- automated (a manual business process) or semi-automated (some steps are manually operated). Then provide “a definition of the problem” for your proposal. In this case, you are considering a situation that the selected business service is currently being operated fully/partly manual. Or, you can identify existing problems of your selected service in the website. Then provide a “definition of the problem” for your proposal accordingly. In the later case, you are considering an improved version of the service for your proposal that should overcome the existing problems. [10 marks]

Hints: You can compare your selected service with other websites for similar business service to get an idea and find the problems and limitations of your service in the selected web site. An example of a problem description is provided in your assignment-1 (Task-4, section 1.c) and in week-2 (slide 9).

  • Write the database system specification which should include (objectives, scope and boundaries). Include a context diagram to show your scope and boundaries. Describe the related services (external components), the data flows and users of the context Mention any assumption to define objective, scope and boundaries. [15 Marks]

Hints: An example of objective, scope and boundaries is given in your assignment-1 (Task-4) and more explanation is presented in week-2, lecture slides (9-11). An example of a context diagram is also given in week-2 lecture slide (11).

  • Data Analysis and users’ requirements: You need to identify data sources, reports and related [10 Marks]

The data sources: where is the data to be found and related users for your service? You should consider at least four data sources for your service.

Hints: Example of data sources in “Burwood Real Estate” in your assignment-1 (task-4) and discussion week-2 (Lecture slide-17), please see in the following an example related to assignment-1, Task-4:

Data sources 

Data for maintenance process Sources of Data Users Interface/ external processes at the boundaries
Maintenance job Maintenance forms CEO, staff members, home owner Manual process (e.g. e-mail, phone order ) in Burwood real estate) or (it

could be online submission as attached, or form completion for other projects)

Quotations and products Quotations documents CEO, staff members, home owner,


Manual process (e.g. e-mail, phone order) in Burwood real estate or (it could be online submission as attached,

or form completion for other projects)

Employee Employee

contracts forms

CEO, staff


Human resources,
Home owner and property Leasing agreements


CEO, staff members,

Home owner

Property management, (e-mail, face to face meeting in this case for Burwood

real estate)

Contractors Appointment letter/ forms CEO, staff members,

Home owner

Human resources

The list of reports: What output (information) needs to be generated by the service and who will be using those? You should consider at least one report for consumer of the service and two reports for the service provider. The report requires data from multiple data sources based on the common attribute and the processing of historical records (e.g. daily basis, monthly total, average, minimum, maximum per subject or per group where data are grouped based on some attributes. The description of the report should have detailed information about users’ information requirements.

Hints: An example of reports (a list that describes the reports) has been discussed in week-2 lecture slide (15) which is related to the “Burwood real estate” case study from your assignment- 1, Task-4.

Guidelines for web site and service selection: Following list provides some sample websites that gives you an idea about selection of your website and service. For more examples, you need to discuss with your tutor in practical classes.

Sample website and service:


Service: rental/leasing services for residential and commercial property


Service: Click & collect and free delivery service for shopping


Service: Phone, tablet repair services for students and corporate organization.

A typical example of operational description for electronic repair service is given in the textbook “[1] Database Systems : Design, Implementation, & Management 13TH EDITION, by Carlos Coronel (Author), Steven Morris (Author)”, Chapter-4 problem-9.


Service: Appointment and billing service for any medical centre/health clinic.

A typical example of operational description for clinical appointment service is given in the textbook “[1] Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management 13TH EDITION, by Carlos Coronel (Author), Steven Morris (Author)”, Chapter-4 problem-8.


Service: Guided tour service for small groups, day trip or more.

A typical example of operational description for guided tour service is given in the textbook “[1] Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management 13TH EDITION, by Carlos Coronel (Author), Steven Morris (Author)”, Chapter-4 problem-10.

Important Note: For Summative Assessment Task 2 (part 1): it is recommended that you interact with your tutor in the practical classes (Week-6 to week-8) to get help and guidance about website and service selection for your proposal. Discussion with your tutor (in practical classes) will help you to make sure that your selected website and service has enough scope to fulfil the requirements of the proposal and its components as mentioned in the Part-1 tasks of Summative assessment task-2. This will also ensure that you are on the right track before you progress with the Summative assessment task-2(Part-2).

Feedback over e-mail: This is a very large class. E-mail communications for feedback on your selected website, service and components of the proposal will be very difficult. If you are unable to attend the practical classes for the feedback purpose, please e-mail to the unit chair ([email protected]) ASAP. Then your unit chair will forward your request to the corresponding practical class tutor. If you are seeking feedback over e-mail, you need to prepare a draft which should have at least first three components of your proposal and then you will send this to your tutor by e-mail before 7/9/2020. Feedback on proposal will be given over e-mail ONLY ONCE. Then you will finalize your proposal and submit to the CloudDeakin unit website.

Exception: If you are confident about your website and service selection that you can make a proposal with all required components as mentioned in the Part-1 tasks of Summative assessment task-2, then you can submit directly your proposal to the CloudDeakin unit website.

Extension: If you need extension, please apply via Unit Home page=>Assessment=> Extension request.

Expert's Answer

Singapore Airline started its company at 1972 and now it has come a long way becoming a respected international airline. Now the network of Singapore airline is stretched to 90 cities and 40 countries. According to Australian polls, Singapore Airlines is the best customer support provider in the world for the second year in a row. Singapore's flag carrier operates from eight Australian airports (Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Cairns, Darwin, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney) and is especially known for its long-haul routes to the Americas, Europe and Asia.

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