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SEB725 Reflective research paper

Research topic
Why entrepreneurs are important for our world

and your two role model entrepreneurs: who and why

Pre-submission Checklist  
  o    Individual task

o    Completion of the task

o    Submission length (2500 ±10% words not including references)

o    No need to include coversheet for online assignment submissions

o    One PDF1 file only

Submission information

·         Via CloudDeakin> SEB725 site>Assignment 1 Dropbox Deadline:

·         7th December 2020; 8:00pm, AEST time

·         Late submission penalty 5% mark per day for max 5 days

·         Request of extension must be submitted before deadline

·         Extension request through unit site and require justification and evidence Format:

·         Use sample reflective research paper template that comes with this doccument

·         Submit PDF2 of your research paper

Marking weight
  30% of you final mark

1 You are encouraged to submit pdf format because the presentation of word files may change depending on the browser used to view the file. The formatting of the PDF documents does not change when you view it on different browsers or devices.

Assignment design: Dr Hamid Abdi, this assignment is designed for SEB725, T3 2020

Please read all instructions and requirements carefully

1.                Learning outcomes

This assignment has been devised to allow students to demonstrate progress towards achieving the following Unit Learning Outcomes and Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this Unit, you will be able to:
ULO 1 Describe and discuss the theoretical frameworks and concepts which have been developed to explain entrepreneurial behavior in engineering context.
ULO 4 Analyse the roles of engineers in creating productive, economic, successful venture in a

variety of engineering projects.

ULO 5 Demonstrate evidence of enhanced personal knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to the management of engineering entrepreneurship

This assignment will also help students demonstrate learning achievements towards other unit learning outcomes. Students are encouraged to review all other learning outcomes to discover additional learning opportunities which will increase the quality of their submission and final results.

2.                Assignment 1


Entrepreneurship is one of the driving factors of the innovation and advancement of our word. Many believe, entrepreneurship is the most efficient and sustainable way of solving problems in our world, creating meaningful innovation, jobs and wealth. Although individuals including entrepreneurs are unique in a way that they have grown to be an entrepreneur. They often share certain characteristics and traits in their entrepreneurial journey.

Through this assignment, you will need to demonstrate a good understanding of the topic of entrepreneurship and its importance on personal, social, and economic dimensions in our world. Briefly explain what you may think is a negative impact of practicing entrepreneurship at personal level. Then select two entrepreneurs who think their life and growth could be a role model for you and explain their journey and the reason you have chosen them. One of these entrepreneurs must be from and engineering and technical background.

Assignment activities

  1. Perform a research from the existing literature and then reflect on the importance and impacts of the entrepreneurship on personal, social, and economic dimensions in our world. (Research and reflect)
  2. Reflect on a possible negative impact of practicing entrepreneurship at personal (Research and reflect, critical thinking)
  3. Select two role model entrepreneurs (at least one with engineering or technical background) and tell us briefly, who they are, what they have done, what are the key characteristic traits and skills they have, and explain why they are good model for you. (Research, storytelling, critical thinking)
  4. Provide a conclusion on why it is important to have an entrepreneurship mindset and what sort of skills and traits you need to develop to succeed if you decide (Critical thinking)
  5. Draft a research paper to include the above four items, A sample paper template from the unit chair on a different topic could be obtained in the appendix of this document.

Important notes

  1. The research paper should include literature on variety of resources about the importance and impact of entrepreneurship on the required dimensions.
  2. You should also include literature when discussing the traits and skills of your chosen
  3. You should include an analysis and justification of the key information from the literature to demonstrate your critical
  4. Briefly tell the life and work of the entrepreneurs of your choice and how she/he demonstrated the entrepreneur’s characteristics/traits in her/his life compared to the identified traits and skills from the
  5. You are encouraged to use different types of literature resources such as books, scholarly articles (journal and conference papers), reports and credible websites.
  6. Your reflection must be sensible, highly focused, feasible and precisely
  7. You are highly encouraged to use endnote to manage your references and citation in the essay, from the experience of the unit chair, student who don’t use Endnote often their referencing quality is lower. Endnote is available for Deakin students for free from Deakin software library with the link
  8. There must be a Reference Section (Bibliography) in your submission. Marks will be deducted if it is omitted, not suitably formatted, or lacking the relevant/minimum citations mentioned Use a suitable and consistent referencing style such as the Harvard or IEEE or similar. A minimum of 8 references is recommended from variety of resources. Refer to Deakin’s Guide to Assignment Writing and Referencing, available online from Student Life for assistance on appropriate report styles and referencing.
  9. A sample reflective report paper template is provided but you are free to go beyond if A simple text-based format is all that is needed with the report layout consisting of a few sections of text (with section headings). Use photos or diagrams sparingly and only if necessary and/or relevant to include in your report. Just use a basic and common text font such as Caibri, Arial or Times New Roman with at least 10 point font size for body text.
  10. Read the Assessment Criteria guidelines and Rubric in the Unit Guide for guidance on how this assignment will be

3.                Academic integrity and research ethics

Please be mindful of serious problems you may encounter If committee any academic misconduct which includes plagiarism, cheating, or collusion. If you are not familiar with them, please refer to the academic honesty information provided for all units on CloudDeakin in the unit guide and information folder.

You could use Turnitin on the unit site to check the similarity report of your submission and seek advice if similarity is high.
Every year we see a few of our students in this unit encounter this problem (sometimes even unintentionally) and unfortunately there is a lot of pain in that. Academic integrity is investigated by the faculty and the teaching team could not assist students for the allegations of academic misconduct. A screen shot of a sample outcome for allegation of breach of academic integrity in SEB725 last year is shown in the following image for your attention.

4.                Support for assignment

  1. Online and in-person resources and materials are available from Student Life for all students to assist with assignment writing and referencing skills. Student Life also provides online and in-person resources to assist with understanding plagiarism and how to avoid producing it in your academic
  2. On the MS teams, we have a channel for student support services, members of Deakin Library, Deakin language and learning support and peer network support are available, feel free to reach out and seek help from them or the unit
  3. If you are feeling lost, please reach out to the unit chair and support team and seek help, we are here to support our students as best as we could.

5.                Late submission penalty

A marking penalty will be applied where the assessment task is submitted after the due date without an approved extension as follows:

  • 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days
  • Where work is submitted more than five days after the due date, the task will not be marked and the student will receive 0% for the task.

'Day' means working day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions. For more information, please visit:

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