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Choose three (3) of the five (5) questions below and thoughtfully respond in 500 words for each.
For this assessment, you will need to choose three (3) of the five (5) questions below and respond to each. As a minimum, you are required to reference your set or essential textbook and one additional source for each response. This source must be a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article, not an Internet site.
Word Count: 1500 words (+/- 10%) for the entire assessment or 500 words (+/- 10%) per response. This includes all text headings, in-text citations, captions and direct quotes. It excludes the Reference List and the cover page.
Note: your marker will stop reading when the maximum word count is reached and only award marks on the material read.
What you will need to submit:
How you will present your work (further details):
One APA 7th edition Reference list on a new page at the end of the entire assessment with the heading References (do not bold or underline the title and no colon after it). Use a hanging indent for each reference. k
(Duchesne & McMaugh, 2018, p. ) at the end of a sentence OR Duchesne and McMaugh (2018) state........... to lead into a discussion
This is how the reference for your textbook in your Reference List shoudl look like:
Duchesne, S., & McMaugh, A. (2018). Educational psychology for learning and teaching (6th ed.). South Melbourne, VIC: Cengage Learning Australia.
Assessment Criteria:
Your work will be assessed in accordance with how well you are able to:
Check the Marking Rubric
Choose three (3) of the five (5) questions below and respond to each in 500 words (+/- 10%). As a minimum, you are required to reference your set or essential textbook and one additional source for each response. This source must be a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article, not an Internet site.
There are three parts to this report, each worth 10 marks (the remaining 10 marks are allocated to academic writing and APA referencing). You must complete all parts or all three (3) questions in order for your assessment to be considered submitted. Your submission will not be assessed if parts are missing or if you only submit 1 or 2 questions.
Question 1. As human beings, brain development has a very large influence on our ability to learn. We know that genetics and environment will both affect the way our brain develops. From the perspective of your study area (Early childhood, Primary, or Secondary education) discuss how the biological development of the brain may interact with a student’s environment. What factors might promote or slow down brain development? How can we structure a classroom environment (i.e., learning materials, social/cultural factors or physical environment) to support brain development? Provide specific examples.
Question 2. The theories of Piaget and Vygotsky differ according to the role of the learner and the teacher in the learning process. According to your study area (Early childhood, Primary, or Secondary education), compare the responsibilities of each (teacher and learner) in the classroom according to each theory. Provide specific classroom examples.
Question 3. The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is an important concept of Vygotsky’s theory of development. From the perspective of your study area (Early childhood, Primary, or Secondary education) discuss this concept and how you might a) assess if your instruction is within your student’s ZPD and b) once you have this information, what specific teaching strategies might be useful to maximise your students learning.
Question 4. One of the criticisms of Piaget’s theory is his failure to consider the effect that culture has upon learning. Discuss ways that culture may influence both the content and rate of a child’s learning. Be specific and provide examples according to your study area (Early childhood, Primary, or Secondary education).
Question 5. Discuss the implications of reduced physical activity for children’s cognitive, social and emotional development. What has contributed to the decline in physical activity? What can schools do to help to reverse the trend?
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