Legal Institutions - Assignment 1

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Legal Institutions - Assignment 1

Question Three: 

The following questions test your ability to apply processes learnt in the computer lab legal research session at the Legal Institutions Essential Intensive Introductory Classes. In this session students were taught how to find Australian and UK cases.

To assist you with these exercises you may wish to refer to the worksheet provided at this session. This worksheet (and answers to the exercises in the worksheet) are available via LEC Canvas > Guides and Policies > Library > Library Legal Research > ‘Finding Cases Worksheet (From Introductory Weekend)’ and ‘Answers to Finding Cases Worksheet (From Introductory Weekend)’.

Access the full text of the following cases to answer the questions below:

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v SZSCA (2014) 254 CLR 317

  1. SZSCA was a citizen of which country?
  2. What was SZCA’s occupation shortly before fleeing his home country?
  3. At what page in the above cited law report does the judgment of Gageler J commence?

Rinehart v Nine Entertainment Co Holdings Ltd [2015] NSWSC 239 

  1. Who was the judge in this case?
  2. What was the date of this judgment?
  3. Which tort, relied upon in the claim for relief by the plaintiff in this case, is discussed in paragraph [56] of the judgment? 

Mapp v News Group Newspapers Ltd [1998] QB 520

  1. Who were the judges in this case?
  2. In this case, the plaintiffs were four police officers issuing writs for libel against the publishers of a newspaper article. What was the headline of the newspaper article?
  3. Did the court find that the words in the article complained of were capable of bearing the meaning alleged by the plaintiffs?

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