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From the case study, Mia Foster, the CEO of Levendary Café strongly believes in the standardization of a brand, making sure that there are no differences in the offering of the product. Out of the 23 Levendary Cafés that Chen had opened in China, only two very closely typified the company brand as it was known in the USA the country of origin. According to Chen, the other cafés were meant to suit location requirements. However, Foster was aware the McDonald’s brand had not been altered even as it expanded into China—it was only slightly modified to include rice porridge in the breakfast menus. Denny’s Japan on the other hand had altered its entire menu to meet local requirements, when Denny’s, an American restaurant company, entered the Japanese market—and by doing that it attained great success.
(a) Taking into consideration the lessons that can be learnt from Japanese firms, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of standardization of business operations across international locations for Levendary Café.
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