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PUBH6006 Community Health and Disease Prevention

Subject Code and Title PUBH6006: Community Health and Disease Prevention
Assessment Assessment 2: Group Presentation
Individual/Group Group
Length 20 minute group power point presentation and its submission
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:
  3.  Analyse theoretical frameworks and models used in public health
  and health promotion
  4.  Apply theoretical frameworks to develop effective health
  promotion interventions
Submission Presentation along with peer-evaluation from due in week 10, at
11:55pm AEST/AEDT* on a day arranged by learning facilitator
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks

*Please Note: This time is Sydney time (AEST or AEDT). Please convert to your own time zone (e.g.

Adelaide = 11:25pm).


In this Assignment, you will collaborate with other peers and develop a strategy with the aim of preventing obesity in children and youth in a community setting (Please refer Flynn et al.,2006 and

by Patton et al., 2009, to help your thinking on this issue).

You need to complete a Group Assignment, which you will do in collaboration with three other colleagues in your subject. Please refer for tips on group work. Group power point presentation along with self-peer evaluation form should be submitted via blackboard.

Please  note:  To  prevent  social  loafing,  groups  experiencing  problems  with  the  level  of

commitment of individual members are required to contact their course facilitator in the first instance. If problems persist, the group members can grade their colleagues accordingly on the Peer

Evaluation Form (available on Blackboard). Marks may be deducted for individual members who do not live up to the expectations of the other group members.

Once you know the group you are in, work out the best way to communicate with your peers for the development of the Assignment (e.g., through zoom, Skype, telephone, and/or email, Google Docs or any other method).

To prepare for this assignment:

  1. What intervention/s would you like to run? Your choices should be supported by the published literature. For how long will the intervention run?
  2. Who are the stakeholders that you will need to involve to make this intervention successful?
  3. What would each of those people have to do? Who would be responsible for which project tasks (ie leadership, development or delivery of educational material, managing the budget and finances)?
  4. How much will the required resources cost? This can just be an estimate of the costs that will be involved. If you need to hire staff, estimate the amount of their time that you need (ie hours/days per week) and how much their salary would cost. Don’t forget consumables like paper for printing, and envelopes and stamps if needed. This is your estimated budget.

To prepare for this assignment:

  1. Briefly explain your intervention, and any research evidence that supports this as a good intervention.
  2. Explain how your intervention addresses primary, secondary, and/or tertiary prevention as a health promotion strategy.
  3. Explain the different phases of your strategy: planning, community engagement, implementation, management, evaluation and recommendations.


  1. Use subheadings to describe what you will do at each of these stages.
  2. Where does each phase fit into your timelines?
  3. Who needs to be involved in each phase, and what would they need to do?
    1. Include your list of costs and estimated budget.
  1. Conclude with recommendations about preventing obesity in children and youth.

The  output  will  be  a  power  point  presentation with voice recorded over it for online

students, that utilizes your combined professional judgement and the evidence provided in the Learning Resources on Modules 3, 4 to design an obesity prevention strategy.

Assessment Criteria:

  • Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the different stages of program planning, implementation and evaluation for NCD health programs. (20%)
  • Critical reasoning skills in developing recommendations for childhood obesity as an existing community health problem. (30%
  • Demonstrates critical analysis skills in developing recommendations for childhood obesity as an existing community health problem. (30%)
  • General assessment criteria (20%):
  • Provides a lucid introduction
  • Shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues
  • Shows ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to chosen topic
  • Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts o Shows evidence of reading beyond the required readings

o Justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments and not merely assertions o Provides a conclusion or summary

o  Correctly uses academic writing, presentation and grammar:

  • Complies with academic standards of legibility, referencing and bibliographical details (including reference list)
  • Writes clearly, with accurate spelling and grammar as well as proper sentence and paragraph construction
  • Uses appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research

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