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PUBH6003 Health systems and Economics

Subject Code and Title PUBH6003: Health systems and Economics
Assessment Assessment 1: Report

Applying Systems Thinking in Public health

Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:

·         Apply systems thinking and an intersectoral approach to public health issues.

Submission Due week 5 on Sunday at 11:55pm AEST/AEDT*
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks

*Please Note: This time is Sydney time (AEST or AEDT). Please convert to your own time zone (e.g. Adelaide = 11:25pm).


Public health professionals must work across various sectors and with key stakeholders such as other professionals and community groups in order to improve health outcomes. Often, these stakeholders have competing interests and conflicting ideas about health, and about what would be the most effective ways to meet public health needs and outcomes.

Stakeholders may not even share the same values related to improving public health. In some cases, using a systems thinking or intersectoral approach may pose many challenges for implementation.


To prepare for this assessment, choose one public health issue (e.g. obesity, a chronic disease) in any country for which it is obvious that a systems thinking approach has not been, or is not being, applied. Then in approximately 1000 words (+/- 10%):

  • Describe the public health
  • Explain the roles of stakeholders, both within the health system and in other sectors in addressing this
  • Drawing on research evidence, explain the obstacles that are preventing the application of a systems thinking approach to this
  • Based on the literature, offer suggestions (e.g. new governance arrangements) for how a systems thinking approach could be applied to this

Report Structure

Your report should follow the following structure. The word count includes the introduction, body and conclusion

Executive Summary ·         Purpose of report

·         Summary of Conclusion

·         Summary of Recommendations

Introduction ·         Acts as a window to your report

·         10% of word count

Body ·         Answers the question

·         May include sub- headings

·         Carries the most marks

Conclusion ·         Summary

·         10% of word count

Recommendation May be in bullet point or continuous writing

·         Recommended strategies

·         Justifications

References APA 6th Edition Style

Submission Instructions:

Submit via the Assessment 1 – Report link in Assessment on main navigation menu in Blackboard

Assessment Criteria

  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of systems thinking and an intersectoral approach (20%)
  • Shows the ability to interpret and analyse relevant information and literature on systems thinking and an intersectoral approach (30%)
  • Demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of systems thinking and an intersectoral approach to a public health problem (30%)
  • Use of academic conventions including appropriate resources and referencing (20%)
    • Uses key readings and shows evidence of reading beyond the key reading
    • There is a lucid introduction and clear conclusion or summary
    • Complies with normal academic of referencing and bibliographical details (including reference list, use APA style)
    • Is written clearly with accurate spelling, grammar and sentence and paragraph construction

Expert's Answer

Public Health Issues are now beginning to be a major concern for the countries around the world. Countries are trying their all to tackle the major health issues in their homelands to reduce the mortality rate. This report will talk about breast cancer among women in Australia to talk about why isn’t the country implementing a possible prevention measure to decrease the cases of the illness. The challenges that the country face is the lack of proper research and care of health outcomes and no proper screening system for potential women who can develop the disease in the future. The Government needs to take a step forward towards planning a policy for the screening of the women through mammography to identify cancer cells in their bodies while collaborating with policy makrers, health care professionals and survivors of the cancer. Moreover, the Government should also employ new researches for in depth research of the illness.

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