PUB351 Task 3 Description

This task requires you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in designing and communicating a process evaluation plan for a health promotion project. This is an individual task where you will develop a written evaluation plan for your strategy portfolio project in Task 2.



  • Using the evaluation plan template provided you will:
  • develop and provide justification for the process evaluation to assess an allocated strategy and activities; and
  • develop questions to be used to assess process evaluation indicators.
  • Use Vancouver-JAMA style referencing.


Overview of task

You will work individually to develop a process evaluation plan for one strategy and its associated activities from the strategy portfolio you prepared for Task 2. You will also develop questions for a process evaluation tool. An evaluation plan template is provided for the task.

You will submit your evaluation plan via SafeAssign by 4:00 pm on Friday 29 October (Week 13)


Process Evaluation plan

Your evaluation plan is to include the evaluation of:

  • One strategy from the portfolio, and its associated activities – a different strategy is to be assigned to each Task 2 group member


The evaluation plan will include the following components.

Project title

  • Give your project an appropriate title; this may be the same as in Task 2.
  • Identify the Project Manager of the evaluation.


Background and context (section word limits in brackets)

  • Briefly define or describe your health issue, target group (or primary stakeholders) and community for your project clearly; this may be the same as in Task 2. (maximum of 200 words)
  • List at least two health promotion principles and describe how you have applied them in preparing this evaluation plan. You may like to present this information in a table. (maximum of 200 words)
  • Justify your choice of evaluation indicators and methods selected for your evaluation plan. (maximum of 200 words per evaluation indicator)
  • Sub-headings in this section of the plan may be appropriate.

 Health issue analysis

  • Insert your health issue analysis from Task 2.  Please note that you are not required to develop your own health issue analysis. Copy and paste the health issue analysis directly from the original project plan you selected for Task 2.


Goal, objectives and sub-objectives

  • Insert the relevant project goal, objective and sub-objectives you are evaluating only.  Please note that you are not required to develop your project goal, objectives or sub-objectives. Copy and paste the project goal, objectives and sub-objectives you will evaluate for your outcome and impact evaluation plans directly from the original project plan you selected for Task 2.


Strategy and list of activities

  • Insert the relevant strategy and activities you are evaluating only. Ensure you attend to any feedback from Task 2.


Process evaluation

  • Outline the process evaluation for your part of the project plan, including:
  • Indicators
  • Methods
  • Tools, and
  • Data collection points.


Survey instrument themes table

  • Develop questions that can be used in a survey as part of your process evaluation plan.
    • Identify all themes and indicators you have proposed to evaluate using some form of survey (e.g., questionnaire) as part of your process evaluation plan.
    • Develop at least three (3) questions overall to assess the indicators identified.


Other requirements:

  • Please ensure you have deleted all the red text from the template before you submit – failure to do so will cost you marks for not following instructions
  • Note the word limit and formatting requirements for each section. Where a word limit is given for a particular section, a word count must be provided at the end of that section.
  • Subheadings may be used if appropriate.
  • The assignment must be appropriately referenced using Vancouver-JAMA style referencing.
  • All tables and figures must have a number and title; refer to the source, if appropriate; and, be referred to in the text of the plan.
  • The plan must be presented in the format provided in the template.


Information to support you in developing your evaluation plan is contained in the Weeks 9-13 Learning Materials folders. It is expected you have actively participated in all learning activities of these weeks. Guidance on how to complete the evaluation template has also been also provided.

Getting started

  1. Read and re-read the Task 3 description and requirements.
  2. Collaborate with your Task 2 group members to decide which strategy you will evaluate for Task 3. I suggest progressing the strategy you were allocated for Task 2.
  3. Attend to the feedback on relevant sections of the strategy portfolio from Task 2 you will be progressing in Task 3.
  4. Transfer relevant sections of the strategy portfolio to the evaluation plan template for this task.
  5. Actively participate in all the learning activities for Weeks 9-13 (in the Learning Materials folder). These activities equip you with the knowledge and skills to develop your evaluation plan.
  6. Complete your assignment.


TIPS for success

  • Start early and plan how you will use the available time.
  • Be clear about the criteria you are being assessed on:
  • Application of health promotion evaluation models and health promotion principles
  • Use of evidence to develop and justify a process evaluation plan
  • Technical accuracy of the process evaluation components
  • Design of questions to assess process evaluation indicators and alignment with the indicators
  • Adherence to report structure, communication and referencing requirements.
  • Draft your assignment.
  • Proof-read your assignment well before submitting.

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