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PUB262 Assessment Task 3 Environmental Health Risk Management Plan

Mass Outdoor Event Scenario

Scenario: Your company has been sub-contracted to develop an “Environmental Health Risk Management” plan for another company that is staging a 3 day International World Championships Outrigger Canoe event on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

2000 people are expected to attend the 3 day festival that has seven key components:

  • Outrigger canoe racing (Days 1-3, requiring 1 temporary grandstand)
  • Live music (live acts performing Days 1, 2 requiring temporary stages)
  • Family fun events precinct with motorised and non-motorised rides and games
  • Market stalls
  • Alcohol outlets
  • Food outlets including:
    • mobile food vans
    • temporary food stalls set up by licensed food businesses
    • traditional food stalls set up by local not-for-profit community organisations
  • Sunset awards ceremony and party with DJ on Day 3

Key points to consider:

  • There is no electricity or water at the site
  • Entertainers are not allowed to use firework or special effects
  • Market stalls are not allowed to provide tattoo or piercing services
  • Areas around the event are a mixture of waterways, parklands and residential, predominantly permanent residents/non-tourist and parkland.


This task is based around activities undertaken during the Stradbroke Island field trip and involves group work.

 In second document attached mass event gathering information. Please read first second document

Then come back here and go to google

Go on google search this location in Queensland                You will assume the role of company that has been invited to submit a tender for managing environmental health risks for a 3 day one-off/mass event in South East Queensland

This is a group work, everyone doing their own part as we divided. For Example -Background-event detail- Event Scheduling and Public Communications-waste and environment-infrastructure

My part is only

Infrastructure on this location during this mass event. What and how things I will arrange for this event during covid-19.

Below I write 6 points please give wide explanation with data about these points

Word count for these 1500 

  1. Transport- traffic strategy, council bus stop / car parks​
  2. Water – hand washing, people out in the water, food act (what type of water you need) ​
  3. Stage construction and compliance certificate​
  4. Minimise the impact on local people. (how)? ​
  5. Disability access/ drop off zone
  6. Engagement with stakeholders.

Use official website for research,19%20virus%20to%20date.

Component 2: For the supporting portfolio, choose the format that you believe will best communicate your environmental health risk management plan (e.g. a written report or a brochure, do not just cut and paste your presentation slides into a word document). Your supporting portfolio should include your plan to manage risks directly associated with the event, including making it Covid Safe, plus a risk management plans a for a critical incident (a foodborne illness outbreak).

Maximum word limit = 1500 words. Referencing must be Harvard Style.

Expert's Answer

Infrastructure planning requires outlining the key facilities and services that are required by the event as the major resource. The careful infrastructure planning requires detailed sourcing and process of streamlining transport plan, toilet facilities,

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