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Read the following scenario:
You are an early childhood educator within a kindergarten room at an early learning centre. Through your observations, five children in your room have displayed excellent emergent writing behaviours, which include combinations of multimodal communication systems, including speech, drawing, music, and dance. More specifically, the group of children have confidently displayed the following:
They are aware of the relationships between oral, written and visual representations.
They use symbols in play to represent and make meaning.
They use creative arts (e.g. drawing, painting and storytelling) to express ideas and make meaning.
In order to build on what they already know, develop two learning experiences that can support and extend the children’s emergent writing behaviours.
Using the scenario presented, develop and evaluate two learning experiences that could encourage and support children’s emergent writing behaviours.
Describe two learning experiences to support and extend this group of children’s emergent writing behaviour. This should include:
a description of children’s emergent writing behaviour in early childhood education
a description of each learning experience with links made to the Early Years Learning Framework or a relevant learning framework (e.g. Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework), and considerations made to include ICT
an evaluation of the learning experiences and tools to demonstrate how they can support and extend the children’s emergent writing behaviours any challenges or considerations that should be allowed for.
You must justify your response and approaches by making links to a learning framework—such as the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) or Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, scholarly sources and other relevant sources. All references must be cited using the APA style.
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