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Question & Answers

OMGT2226 Logistic Performance

This semester you are to prepare an industry research report as your final assessment.

Weight: 40%

Assessment due date: Week 14, 17 October 2020, 11:59 PM

Length: 2,200 words ± 10%, excluding title page, executive summary, table of contents, reference list, and appendices

Type: Individual

Feedback mode: N/A

Submission: All work is to be submitted in digital format through CANVAS. By submitting your work, you will be acknowledging that you have read, understood and agreed to the content and expectations of the Assessment Declaration. All assessments MUST be accompanied by An Electronic Assessment Cover Sheet.

To submit an assessment to the website, click on “Assignments” in the navigation panel, then select the appropriate assessment task. You can then attach a file (only in MS Word format) from your PC/Laptop/etc. and upload. If there are multiple files, ‘zip’ these files before submitting them. 

Learning Objectives Assessed:

  • (CLO 1) Apply selected principles and theory of the retail business supply chain to effectively manage logistics in retail operations.
  • (CLO 2) Apply multi-faceted roles and practices of logistics and supply chain management to competitive advantage and value creation across a number of retail, service and service logistics-oriented industries.
  • (CLO 4) Critically analyse retail logistics issues and identify workable solutions to logistics and supply chain problems.

Ready for Life and Work:

This assessment aims to assess the students’ knowledge of modern-day logistics and SCM concepts being applied in a real-life setting in the retail and service sectors. The student will also develop the following skills:

  • Critical thinking and analytical thinking in analysing business issues;
  • Business report writing skill to present business problem and solution to address it; and,
  • Business research skill to gather business information in order to support analysis and decision making.

Assessment Details:

For assessment 3, students are expected to do research about EITHER Challenger ( OR Courts ( and analyse the company's retail service quality. The students should perform comprehensive research on the selected retailer to find out more information about the company’s logistics’ performance in this field.

Important note: The whole report must be about the selected retailer.

Assessment requirements:

You will work on EITHER Challenger OR Courts and develop your analysis based on the instruction provided below. 

This assessment tasks allows you to apply the concepts, principles and relevant techniques that are the basis of this course’s educational content. You should refer back to the course content as well as read relevant sources such as textbook, research articles and course notes. You need to collect data/information using multiple appropriate sources and develop an understanding of the nature and structure of the associated retail chain. The industry research report format is provided as a guide, but students should be able to adapt it to suit any academic paper writing situation.

Assignment 3- SP2 2020 - Rubric.pdf

The Assessment Outline:

The report will be evaluated based on the following outline: Please refer to the assessment rubric for more details.


The executive summary is a stand-alone section, which summarises the background, objectives/aims, issues/problems and recommendations of your report. The executive summary can only be written of course, after you have finalised the report.

    • Executive Summary should appear before the Table of Contents.
    • You are strongly encouraged to avoid simply paraphrasing and/or repeating the information presented in the report itself.

Description of retail services/products and the company. Here you can discuss the essential points about the company/organisation and the importance of investigating the particular services/product supply chain. The introduction should include the aim and scope of the report.


A comprehensive literature review base on at least 10 (TEN) resources that can be mixture of academic and/or non-academic sources is required to:

  1. Identify the gaps/problems/issues/challenges in the particular retailer and its supply chain;
  2. Explain the selected retail supply chain structure; location and layout of the store(s) or retail outlet(s); products/services offered and other areas as you see fit;
  3. Outline the core competence of the selected retailer in the competitive market;
  4. Show detailed ‘Information Flows’ in the selected retail supply chain;
  5. Describe the procurement activities and logistics services;
  6. Describe the processes for the transportation/warehousing/distribution of goods and so on.

Also, according to your research and the theories taught in class, address the following issues:

  1. Discuss the relationship between the selected retailer’s location strategies and its customers;
  2. Consider the gaps/problems/issues/challenges that you have found in the literature and determine if your selected company is facing (or will face) similar issues. In this case, it is required to discuss them. Examples could include: the uncertainty of demand/supply; lack of market research; unreliable consumer behaviour; poor value chain; competitive analysis; etc;
  3. Discuss whether the organisation employs omnichannel or multichanne;.
  4. Discuss the role of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in the selected retailer’s merchandise management;
  5. Discuss the current/recommended CSR activities in selected retail business towards sustainable development;
  6. Discuss and compare the selected retailer’s supply chain, its return and refund policy, its consumers, its suppliers, and its financial performance before and after COVID-19 outbreak;
  7. Discuss the consumers’ panic during the current pandemic which resulted in ‘quantity assurance’ more than ‘quality assurance’ practices;
  8. Provide recommendations on how best possible solutions can be incorporated into the selected retailer in order to overcome the current and prevent the potential risks/problems/issues.
  • CONCLUSION (10%):

The conclusion 'wraps up' by summarising the gaps identified and how you resolved them. Discuss the lessons learnt from this industry research report developed in relation to the concepts learnt from lectures. Suggest any limitations of this research work.

    • Referencing: The assessment should be appropriately referenced (using the Harvard referencing style), including a bibliography. The in-text citation is a must!
    • Appendices: Under appendix, you can put any tables/diagram/data that will not be included in the word count! All tables/figures must be referred to in the body of the report.
    • Use any of the Fonts Arial/Calibri/Times New Roman with the size of 11 or 12: The report should be properly formatted and 1.5 lines spaced, with 2.5 cm margins.
    • Students are required to submit their assessment electronically to Turnitin.

Updated Table of Contents provided with no errors and proper names for each heading. The document should be extremely neat and professional looking. Instructions for the content should have been followed exactly. The reader of this document should be able to view it as extremely professional. English should be at an excellent level for HD.


Topics should properly be presented, clear explanation on analysis and outcome is needed. Showing understanding of what was utilised from the case or reference paper and how the analysis was done are required.

Support Resources:

This assessment requires that you meet RMIT's expectations for academic integrity. More information and advice on how to avoid plagiarism are available in the Course Guide.

Open Academic Integrity

Sample Research Paper:

Example of Reliable and Valid Resources:

  • Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology (Int'l Ed), By Fitzsimmons, James A.
  • Logistics and Retail Management: Emerging Issues and New Challenges in the Retail Supply Chain, by John Fernie, Kogan Page Publishers, 2009- access through RMIT Library, ProQuest Central
  • Retailing Management, 2013, 9th Edition, Michael Levy, Barton A Weitz, Dhruv Grewal, McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN-13: 978-0078028991
  • Journal of Operations Management
  • International Journal of Operations and Production Management
  • International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
  • Journal of Business Logistics
  • Journal of Supply Chain Management
  • Journal of Cleaner Production
  • The International Journal of Logistics Management

Expert's Answer

   The distinctive characteristics of merchandise management, operating systems, and services delivered by brick & mortar businesses like Food Town will be compared with the new retail business who adopt e-commerce platforms. Food town is a traditional supermarket that sells a limited assortment of products over the past 20 years. The new supermarket is a multi-channel retailer run by a brick and click model. The benefits & challenges for food-town into adopting a business online will be discussed in the report. And then I will be analyzed about the use of new technologies that might affect the service quality of Food Town. Based on these factors, I advise Food Town to implement effective technologies in their supply chain management & going online for better customer service.

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