NURS6900 Introduction To Research In Health Care Assignment 1
Assessment Type | Written Assignment |
Purpose | The purpose of this assessment is for you to review and critique a published systematic review. |
Description | For this assessment task, you will be provided a published systematic review. This document must be referenced in your assessment submission.
Your assignment consists of short answer questions in the format of an online activity. You will be asked the following questions and will need to answer them based on the systematic review provided. (academic referencing required where relevant within the answers). 1. What is the review purpose, objective, or question? 2. Was there a published protocol for this review? If yes – please provide the reference and the PROSPERO registration number (if registered). 3. What are the eligibility criteria (inclusion and exclusion criteria) for this review? 4. What types of studies were included in this review? 5. What databases/search engines were searched in the review? 6. Were the search terms suitable for the purpose of this review? Provide a rationale for your answer 7. What search limits were applied? 8. Does the PRISMA flowchart adequately describe how articles were identified, screened, assessed for eligibility, appraised, and selected for inclusion in the review? 9. What critical appraisal instrument(s) was/were used to determine methodological |
quality of the articles? Were these instruments appropriate?
10. Discuss if the included studies are summarised adequately? (Study design, study population, location, interventions, outcomes, results) 11. Are excluded studies listed with reasons for their exclusion? 12. How was the data abstracted and synthesized? 13. Is there adequate critique of the studies reviewed, including discussion of study limitations? 14. What is your assessment of the level of evidence included in this review (JBI hierarchy)? 15. How should the information from this systematic review be applied in clinical practice (knowledge transfer)? |
Weighting | 30% |
Compulsory Requirements | Attempt / Submission Requirement - Students must attempt/submit this assessment item to pass the course. |
Length | 1200 words |
Due Date | Monday 21 February 2022 at 11.00pm Australian Eastern Daylight-Saving Time (AEDT) |
Submission Method | Online. Canvas |
Assessment Criteria | See Appendix A |
Return Method | Online. Canvas |
Feedback Provided | Online. |
Feedback Due | Within 3 weeks from submission |
Opportunity to Reattempt | Students WILL be given the opportunity to re-attempt this assessment. Any re-attempt will be considered in line with the Adverse Circumstance Policy |
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