NURBN3032 Nursing Context 9: Transitioning to Nursing Practice

Task Overview

Students will be randomly allocated to one of the following three contemporary transition issues (this will be your topic):

  • Bullying
  • Work-life balance
  • Personal expectations versus professional reality

This assessment is designed to assess students’ understanding of contemporary transitional factors as they apply to nursing. It will also allow students to demonstrate their ability to find and review literature, then apply the knowledge learnt to produce a self-care guide to assist themselves and their peers in managing transition to practice.

Task Purpose

In this task, students are required to demonstrate knowledge relating to understanding and addressing a transitional issue that can affect new graduate nurses. Students will be randomly allocated one of three issues. Using evidence from current scholarly literature, students are asked to complete two parts in this assessment related to their allocated contemporary transitional issue:

  • Part one is the production of a pamphlet that can be used as a resource for graduate nurses, and
  • Part two is a discussion of the selected issue.

A selection of pamphlets will be collated and provided to all students in the course as a graduation gift after marking has been completed and results released.

Part 1: Pamphlet

Create a multi-panel document that uses both visual and text-based elements to convey information.  The layout should be clear, sequential and promote understanding of your chosen transitional issue. It should be viewed as a self-care guide and presented on two (2) A4-size pages (approximately 600 words).

The pamphlet should provide educational information that will help new graduates learn about the issue, including ways to address the issue, so that it does not detrimentally impact the new graduate nurses’ personal or professional life.

Step 1: Research the transition issue 

Research and find appropriate references for the pamphlet.  For more information see the references chapter in this Moodle Book.

Step 2: Plan the pamphlet  

Map out a structure and plan for how you will present the key points and what you will cover in each section of the pamphlet.

The pamphlet must address information related to the following points: 

  • An outline of what the transitional issue is and why new graduates are likely to experience it
  • How to identify the signs related to this issue
  • What resources are available to address the issue and where to locate them
  • Self-help strategies to assist the graduate in addressing or managing the issue
  • What to do if these resources/strategies do not work to address/manage the issue (i.e., where can the new graduate go to seek additional support/guidance to help address the issue)

Step 3: Draft, Review and Edit 

The pamphlet can be developed using any creative design program of your choosing (i.e., Microsoft office suite, Canva, Adobe – this list is not extensive).

For students who are less confident in creative design programs, three Word templates will be provided for the development of the brochure for students to choose from. You will be able to access these in the Assessment Task 1 Template folder in the Assessment Section of the Unit Moodle shell.

Students are strongly advised to review their work and may write multiple drafts to perfect the pamphlet prior to submission. (Drafts may be called upon to authenticate academic work integrity).

When writing your pamphlet, follow the marking rubric to specifically address the marking criteria. The marking rubric will set out the standard required for each section to be awarded marks.

Part 2: Discussion/Essay

Step 4: Revise the research on the transition issue 

Research and find appropriate references for the pamphlet and essay.  For more information see the references chapter in this Moodle Book.

Step 5: Plan the essay/discussion  

Map out a structure and plan for how you will present the key points and what you will cover in the discussion/essay.

Provide a written discussion on the same transitional issue you focused on for the pamphlet (approximately 1000 words).

The written discussion must provide information related to the following points (approximately 300 words each):

  • Why do new graduate nurses experience this transitional issue?
  • Identify and explain the ramifications of this transitional issue on the new graduate and the nursing profession
  • Identify and explain the impact this issue has on the ability of the new graduate to adhere to the nursing codes/standards and delivery of safe, high quality patient care

Step 6: Draft, Review and Edit 

Students are strongly advised to review their work and may write multiple drafts to perfect the essay prior to submission. (Drafts may be called upon to authenticate academic work integrity).

When writing your essay, follow the marking rubric to specifically address the marking criteria. The marking rubric will set out the standard required for each section to be awarded marks.

Step 7: Submit both pamphlet and essay as one document 

  • Please we aware that the assessment folder submission portal has Turnitin enabled so your work will be checked for similarity with published works and prior student submissions. You can use the similarity report to self-evaluate your own submission for potential instances of plagiarism. You may resubmit drafts to the same location (up until the due date) if you have made changes after reviewing your similarity report if needed.
  • For information on understanding the Turnitin Similarity report CLICK HERE.

CLICK HERE for Examples and Resources for the Pamphlet

The pamphlet can be developed using any creative design program of your choosing (i.e., Microsoft office suite, Canva, Adobe – this list is not extensive). Three Word templates are provided in the Assessment Task 1 Template Folder.

Example pamphlets are provided below to give you an idea of what the pamphlet could look like, remember to refer to the task instructions to ensure that you are addressing the criteria for the task.

These resources may be added to, so please check back!

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