Nurbn3031 Nursing Context 8: Teaching, Learning and Situational Leadership for Health Practice

Assessment task 2

You will find and read a wide variety of scholarly sources on the topic, integrating a minimum of 2-4 references for each component (Part A and Part B). These should be no more than five (5) years old unless of historical significance and/or of specific relevance to the topic.

This unit requires you to reference your article using APA 7th edition referencing style.
Refer to Federation University FedCite website for more information:   

Part A: prepare a written teaching plan. This component will be completed individually but students are still required to plan, coordinate and submit as a group.

Part B: As a group of student leaders, conduct peer education (student to student) as part of a student led ‘First Year Expo’ designed to help first year Bachelor of Nursing students as they embark on their new journey.

You are to use an approach that generates interest and inspires first year students to make good decisions when faced with the pressures and challenges of engaging in study and completing assessments successfully. The topic is up to your group to decide; however, it must fit within the stated aims outlined below. Your group will need to discuss your topic with your lecturer for final approval.

As a group work task you are also required to apply your learning about leadership to support each other in achieving the task.

Task Purpose

As third year nursing students, you are the most senior cohort and the leaders in the undergraduate program and junior students look to you for guidance and role modelling. You are also developing your capabilities to work in clinical teams that vary daily and include people you do not know.

The first weeks of first year are exciting and overwhelming for the newest of students. We know that university is a challenging time for students, and many will be faced with managing competing priorities and challenges including work commitments, unemployment, family commitments, socialising, paying bills, homesickness, loneliness, unstable housing, staying healthy and full time or part time university study (just to name a few). These impact student health and wellbeing and their ability to make good decisions when it comes to their university study.

While first year students are introduced to a wide range of support services available to them at the university, and learn about academic integrity, they do not fully understand how these support services could help them do well in their studies. Many students also need life skills or survival skills to navigate university life and succeed in their studies to become registered nurses.

Task Instructions

The aims of the peer teaching are to:  

  • Raise first year student awareness of the competing priorities and challenges that they may face during their university degree.
  • Enhance first year student understanding of support services, study behaviours and/or health behaviours that can make a positive difference.
  • Share practical evidence-based strategies that will support effective study habits and/or completion of assessment tasks and/or wellbeing.

The audience: 

  • First year, first semester Bachelor of Nursing students.
    • Groups are encouraged to be creative in their presentations/learning activities and are welcome to use a range of resources, tools and strategies to enhance audience engagement and learning. Think carefully about an approach that will engage first year nursing students.

Here are some thoughts to get you started:

  • Think about your audience – will it be directed to first year nursing students as a general group of learners or, will you create a presentation for a specific learner group of first year nursing students?
  • What type of ‘survival skills’ will you focus on? It could be from an academic perspective and related to developing skills to help 1st year students survive and thrive with the academic theory and academic integrity – for example: study skills, ways to ensure they don’t breach academic integrity, time planning, time management, achieving an balance between uni life and personal life, support services for academic writing etc. Or,  it might be more related to health and wellbeing of the students as they enter university – remember that some might be living away from home for the first time and might come across a range of situations impacting their health and wellbeing. Think about what you think would be helpful for first year nursing students to know about.
  • The presentation/learning activity could be designed specifically for a sub group of first year nurses to teach them about the topic you have decided on. You can approach the presentation/activity in many different ways (see Module 4 for ideas).

As soon as you form your group start brainstorming ideas and talk with your lecturer about your ideas. You can do any topic if you can demonstrate it is relevant to your audience of first year nursing students, and you can use any approach to the learning activity/presentation as long as you can demonstrate that it is an appropriate, relevant and workable approach in the EXPO context.

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