NUR5002 Contemporary Nursing Practice 2

Details of task: For this written assessment item, students are required to discuss, critically analyse and develop a plan of care for a supplied patient case study. Students will be provided with the patient scenario, hospital notes, medication chart and vital signs chart. Students are then required to discuss the following points in relation to their patient scenario as outlined in the rubric:

  1. Pathophysiology
  2. Clinical Manifestations
  3. Nursing management (focused assessment, escalation, oxygen management, pharmacological management, psychosocial management)
  4. Collaborative management
  5. Referencing in APA 7th

Presentation requirements: Students are required to submit an electronic copy of their written

assessment via the online Moodie Dropbox. You must read and agree to the university declaration online before you submit your assessment. Ensure your assessment is NOT submitted as a draft.

All written assignments should be submitted as follows:

  • Cover pages, title page and table of content are not
  • The header must include (a) the course code and
    (b) the word count (excluding reference list).
  • The footer must contain (a) student ID (b) page number (bottom right corner) and (c) date of
  • Submitted assignments must be submitted in WORD format.
  • Use A4 format only; size 11 or 12 point font should be used.
  • Font style should be Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial
  • Assessments should be presented using 2.5cm margins on each side of the page and double (or 1.5) line spacing
  • Use your student number as the file name -Students must save as their assignment as Student ID_NUR5002_WrittenAssessment
  • Do not include the case study brief in your assignment
  • All in-text references count in the word count. Reference list is excluded from word count (refer to Word Count Guidelines Policy).
  • Students must reference in the APA 7th style of
  • You may use subheadings to develop your paper and ensure you address each component of the question.

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