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Question & Answers

NRS81001 Nursing in the Australian Context

Weighting: 60% of overall grade

Length: 2000 words

Individual Report

Due: 14th June, 2020 by 5pm

Aim: Thepurpose of this report is to help you deepen your understanding of the Social Determinants of Health(SDOH) in Australia, in relation to AboriginalandTorres Strait Islander (ATSI)communities.

Task Requirements:

Part 1: SDOH

Identify and critically discuss ONE of the Australian Health Care System’s national health priority areas experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities. National priority areas include; cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and musculoskeletal diseases, mental health disorders, asthma, obesity and injuries.

In your discussion include how the SDOH (situations, circumstances and environments in which people live) have impacted on the health and wellbeing of ATSI individuals andcommunities, in relation to the disease/injury selected.

To assist the above discussion, consider the following SDOH. You may wish to discuss all or some of these:

  • Education and literacy
  • Employment/working conditions
  • Social environments
  • Physical environments
  • Personal health practices and coping skills
  • Healthy childdevelopment
  • Income and social Status
  • Social support networks


These SDOH can determine whether people have equal opportunity to live a healthy life. For example, if a person has poor education and/or low income, they are less likely to have the ability to access nutritious food than someone who has had a good education and is financially secure.

Part 2: Program

Identify ONE current health promotion and/or illness prevention program (this can be a local, state or national program) that has been implemented to assist the health priority area (disease/injury)

that you have discussed in Part 1. Please do not discuss a National Strategy or Framework. Discuss how the program encourages and motivates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities to reduce their risk factors for the health disease/injury you have selected. Include in your discussion how this primary health care concept addresses health inequalities experienced by this population.

Part 3: Other essential elements

Include an Introduction (aprox. 100 words) that clearly identifies the aim of the Report. Include a Conclusion (aprox. 100 words) that succinctly summarises the aim of the Report.

Consider skilful use of language, grammar, sentence and paragraph construction to create a clear and concise description focused on the topic.

Use a heading for each section in the Report: e.g. Introduction, Part 1, Part 2 (include the name of your chosen program) and Conclusion.

Part 4: Reference List

Include a reference list at the end of your Report.

Ensure the reference list is on a new page and they are listed in alphabetical order. The Report must include at least 10 reputable references to support your statements. The articles will be no more than 10 years old.

Use APA 6th reference style.

The full APA 6th edition bibliographic details for each article and all headings are excluded from the total word count.

For access to the online APA 6th style of referencing guide use this link:

Submitting your Assignment

Formatting your Work:

  • Your assignment must be submitted via Turnitin from the link on the Blackboard learning No assignment will be accepted via email attachment.
  • The Report must consist of 2000 words. Excessive words will not be marked. A leeway of +/-10% total words will be acceptable.
  • State your word count (excluding your reference list) on the Assignment
  • Attach a Coversheet to the beginning of your assignment. This coversheet will be

available from the blackboard learning site in the section called “Assessment Details.” Do not submit the coversheet as a separate document from your assignment.

  • Your assignments must be submitted as either Word documents (with .doc extension, or .docx). PDF / Note pad assignments will not be accepted. No handwritten assignments will be
  • Include either a Header or Footer with your name, student ID number and the page number
  • Use size 12 Calibri font throughout the assignment
  • Use either 5 line spacing or Double spacing.

Special Consideration:

  • All assignment extension requests must be initiated by the Special Consideration Late assignments without an approved extension from the Unit Assessor will receive a penalty of -5% per day including weekends & holidays.
  • To locate the Special Consideration application forms: “Application to Vary Assessment Due Date or Consideration in Marking” (PDF). Students must carefully review the grounds for applying for a Special Consideration.

Expert's Answer

Indigenous community makes about 3.3%of the Australian population. Due to the colonization of Australia, the indigenous population faced neglect and ignorance. They were stripped of their rights and forced to follow the new rules that clashed with their religious and cultural teachings.

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