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MN506 System management Assignment

This assignment requires you to test, analyse, and compare any two (2) of the monitoring tools listed in Table

  1. 1. Marks will be awarded according to:
  • depth of exploration and explanation of features, and
  • quality of evaluation and comparison of the chosen
Tool Description OS
lsof Monitoring for Linux environment

Use “sudo apt-get install” to install the tool (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux)

atop Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux) Linux
powertop Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux) Linux
nmon Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux) Linux
iotop Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux) Linux
glances Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux) Linux
iftop Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux) Linux
sensu Open source alerting system.


Windows OS
logman Command line tool to create and manage event trace session & performance logs.


Windows OS

Table 1: Monitoring tools (Choose any two) for Assignment 1 (Note: This assignment includes more tools from LINUX OS, however, in Assignment 2, more choices of tasks based on Windows OS will be included.)

Complete the following tasks, and make a 7-8 min video presentation as per instructions below:

  1. Download, install, and use any two (2) of the monitoring tools from Table If you choose Linux tools, you can boot the computer using Kali Linux, or access it in VirtualBox. Explore in-depth the utility provided by the tools and how these tools can be used by System Administrators. This requires you to carry out research, and explore the features with your installed tools.
  2. Record your experience in a video clip. The video must include following:
    1. Outline of your
    2. Demonstration in detail via narration of your actions in a recorded video to include:
      • Accessing the tool,
      • Showing how to use your chosen features of each tool,
      • What the feature is used for, and
      • How information provided by the feature can be used by the System Administrator to manage the system effectively. This must include 2 features or functionality of each tool (2 features per tool x 2 tools= a total of 4 features or functions).
    3. Include in your discussion comparing the two tools covering the usability and functionality/usefulness of the features/tools to the System
    4. Summarise your experience at the end of the
    5. You should appear in the video at the beginning and last 30 seconds to introduce yourself and draw a conclusion on your experience of the tools respectively (other parts of the video may show your actions on screen, as per description above).

Length of Video: Introduction (30 secs approximately, your appearance should be in the video) + Outline of the presentation (30 secs approximately) + Demonstration of the task (4-5 minutes) + Discussion (1 minute approximately) + Conclusion (15 secs approximately, with appearance).

You may use your mobile phone to record the video, or use any of the available open source software for screen/video capture. Please find the following as an example software for video capturing:


Submission Guidelines:

  1. Name your video with your student ID and
  2. Upload Video on your YouTube account (if you do not already have one, please create one).

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