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Cyber bullying has become a common phenomenon in the digital age. Thus, it can take place over any digital platform and device. The continuous use of technology proliferates the chances of cyberbullying (Zhang et al., 2016). In today’s epoch, digital devices such as mobile phones, tablets and computers have made the lives easier. But with that, it has exposed us to a greater risk of cyberbullying. There are few commonplaces where cybercrime is potentially vigorous, such as social media websites, SMS and emails. In this social marketing campaign, the idea of “bystander” will be promoted. The concept of bystander is similar to whistle-blower against any wrongful action. This campaign aims to promote the idea of reporting cybercrime incidents and to take action against it. However, cyberbullying is the least addressed issue. This record can be accessible at any time, which may result in negative/positive online reputation as well as cyberbullying (Olweus, 2012). According to Cook (2018) factsheet, 28 countries have revealed the inclining number of concerned parents whose children have experienced some form of cyberbullying. Cook (2018) carried out 20,793 interviews across 28 countries that represented the highest victims of cyberbullying in an Asian country, India. The researches have indicated social media websites as the most favoured mean of cyberbullying (Cook, 2018). According to the report of Cyberbullying Research Centre (2016), 20% of cyberbullying is reported to occur online.
According to a research conducted in Europe, it was analysed that cyber bullying rates are likely to be lower in students who are in sixth grade or higher. Main reason for low rate of cyber bullying in higher grades is the fact that students who are more focussed on their studies are likely to be enrolled in such grades (Slonje & Smith, 2008). It is also been analysed that internet aggression is more likely to be common in children of age group 15-17 as compare to age group of 10-14 years old. Although cyberbullying is not only restricted to individuals, organisations also experienced cyberbullying that has damaged its reputation (Snyman and Loh, 2015).
As stated by Hiduja & Patchin (2017), the use of technology like computers and mobile phones has a major role to play in harassment, humiliating and other forms of cyber bullying. These technology are commonly use by adolescents for the purpose of cyber bullying. In the paper, negative emotions such as fear, anger, frustration and embarrassment are linked with cyber bullying.
Phone calls and text messages are considered to be the main cause of cyber bullying, as people can make vague and inappropriate comments on other people images and videos (Smith et al. 2008). Cyber bullying is more likely to take place out of schools as compare to within schools, as most of the schools has strict policies when it comes to allowing students to use phones on campus. The same study claims that’s almove 55% of the cases of cyber bullying are associated with school kids. However on the other hand, as stated by Raskaukas & Stolz (2007), the increasing rate of cyber bullying is directly linked with the increase in the usage of internet and cell phones. Almost 50% of the school kids, experienced cyber bullying at least once before reaching the age of 15 (Smirt et al. 2008).
Ever since the emergence in technology and social media is observed, cyberbullying has been found to be the most prevailing issue among adolescents and teenagers. With reference to different studies, cyberbullying is studied as the primary reason for emotional distress, poor academic performance, and psychological and physical problems (Preston, 2015). Cyberbullying can be done in different ways. According to Preston (2015) research study, over 69% of the people have experienced cyberbullying in their life. Preston (2015) studied that 81% of young people believed that cyberbullying has become easier than personal violence behaviour because the chances of being caught are low. According to Mandhur. M, (2014), Australia has been ranked as number one for bullying on social media networks. Secondary students are more likely to engage in cyber bullying as compare to primary school students.
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