MKT304A Brand and Product Management - Case Study Assignment Help

Assessment Task

This assessment task is designed for you to analyse the role of brand and product strategy of a company, the problems, issues, and challenges to contemporary brand and product management and to evaluate brand and product performance through the application of relevant key performance indicators and other metrics, drawing from the knowledge you have gained from modules 1 and 5. You will write a case study report with 2500 words and supported by academic resources.

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


The case study analysis will be done through using the information in the Brand Report Card by Kevin Lane Keller (Available here: and the theory you gained during this trimester. Please select a brand from the list below and answer the following 10 questions. Each question is worth 10 marks.

Brand Selection (Select one only)

  1. Qantas
  2. McDonalds
  3. Pepsi
  4. Boost Juice
  5. Myers


  1. How does the brand excel at delivering the benefits customers truly desire?
  2. How does the brand stay relevant?
  3. How is the pricing strategy based on the consumer’s perception of value?
  4. Is the brand positioned properly?
  5. Is the brand consistent with their marketing program?
  6. Does the brand portfolio and hierarchy make sense?
  7. Does the brand make use and co-ordinates a full repertoire of marketing activities to build brand equity?
  8. Do you believe the brand understand what is means to the consumers , g. ‘who am I?’
  9. Do you believe the company who owns the brand itself offers proper ongoing marketing programs to support the brand?
  10. In your opinion, do you see evidence that the brand monitor’s its resources of brand equity

The Case study analyse should be comprised of the following sections outlines as a guide. See your lecture notes, readings and references for information about the following sections that are to be included in the Case study report:

1.0             Table of Contents

2.0             Background information about the selected company, its history and product portfolio

3.0            Analysis the Branding, Brand Value and Brand Equity of the selected company through the use of Brand Report Card Report by Kevin Lane


( Hints: Please refer to the 10 questions listed above)

4.0             References


  • This assessment must be compiled in report format.
  • An executive summary is NOT required.
  • Use suitable headings and subheadings for the information presented, and page numbers should appear on each page of the document – ideally in either the header or footer.
  • All assessments are to be submitted to the learning portal. All work must be word processed, spell-checked, grammatically acceptable, and professional in
  • Assessments should not be written from a 1st person context, but rather from the 3rd person That is, “I, we, my, our” are not acceptable.
  • All claims and recommendations are to be supported by suitable and relevant marketing and/or theoretical principles and their relevant
  • This assignment must be prepared and submitted as an individual, the work you submit must be your
  • You should include a reference list for any textbooks, websites or other references you use to support your
  • Students are advised to conduct secondary research and analysis of the company and the markets to substantiate the recommendations.
  • A professional level of presentation is expected together with adherence to the word


It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here in the Academic Writing Guide found via the Academic Skills website.

Submission Instructions

Submit your Assessment 3: Case study analysis via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MKT304A: Brand and Product Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Please note during the submission process: If you would like to include appendix items in your submission, once your first item has been uploaded, click ‘Browse Your Computerto attach your extra documents as an appendix. Then click Final Submit button.

Academic Integrity

All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online. Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

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