MKT1MDP Assignment 2: Marketing Strategy Report and presentation
In Assignment 1, you produced a Market Analysis on the Fast Food and Takeaway Industry. You evaluated the macro-environmental forces impacting the industry, and highlighted the attractiveness of a given segment(s). Now it is your time as a marketing consultant to offer recommendations to a specific player within the industry to help them deliver value to that segment.
The primary activities of the industry include: cooked chicken retailing, pizza retailing, hamburger retailing, fish and chips retailing, sandwich retailing, sushi retailing, ice cream retailing, juice bar operations and mobile food vans (Oo, 2021).
In 2020-21, the fast food and takeaway industry in Australia generated $20.6BN in revenue. Unlike many other industries, the effects of COVID-19 were mild. Nevertheless, consumer health awareness and an influx of new players has transformed the industry over the last couple of years, and continues to do so.
As everyone in your group has completed your individual assignment, you can use the feedback received from your tutor to improve and now add to that assignment. Assignment 2, the Marketing Strategy Report, is where your group will choose one Fast Food or Takeaway company and try to improve their business. It is up to you to choose a ‘real life’ company, e.g. McDonalds, Subway, Sushi Train. There is no need to contact this company. All the information gathered on them can be collected from their website and industry articles. Once you have written your report, you will present your marketing strategy in-class.
- Cover page of your choice (not included in the word limit)
- Title page of your choice (not included in the word limit)
- Table of contents (not included in the word limit)
- Introduction (approx. 100-150 words)
- Summary of market analysis (approx. 400-500 words)
- Summary of segmentation analysis and recommended segment to target (aprox. 300-400 words)
- Marketing mix: (approx. 2000-2500 words)
- Product / service offering
- Pricing strategy
- Promotion strategy
- Place strategy
- Conclusions (approx. 100-150 words)
- Reference list (not included in the word limit)
- Appendices (not included in the word limit)
Table of Contents: (not included in the word limit). A list of information in the report with page numbers, plus a list of any images, diagrams and charts etc.
Introduction: (approx. 100-150 words) Definition of the industry. Brief background to the company you have chosen (Market Share, where it operates, what it sells etc). Purpose of the report. What will it include (structure)?
Summary of market analysis: (approx. 500 words) What are the key areas of the PESTEL that most affect the industry? Note: use the feedback received from Assignment 1 to re-write this section.
(Summary of segmentation analysis and recommended segment: (approx. 300 words) What are the main segments that exist in the market and which are most attractive (and why)? Which segment do you recommend your company to target? Note: use the feedback received from Assignment 1 to re-write this section)
Marketing mix: (approx. 2000-2500 words)
(Product Strategy: What can you improve regarding the product and service offerings? Consider the core, actual and augmented product levels. Aprox500word)
Pricing Strategy: What pricing strategy will you implement? Why?
Promotion Strategy: How will you promote your selected company? Consider a mix of traditional media and digital media, making sure it is relevant to your segment.
Place strategy: What improvements can you offer for the supply chain, logistics functions, channel organisation, online and/or offline retailing and shopper marketing?
Conclusion: (approx. 100-150 words) Summarise briefly what you have found in this entire report.
Reference List: (not included in the word limit)
Appendices: (not included in the word limit)
WORD COUNT: 3000-4000 words (+/- 10%). (approx. 750 words per student).
All these topics are part of the learning materials provided on the LMS site. It is essential that you expand your knowledge with additional research and reading (e.g. by using relevant academic papers and textbook in support to each section of the report).
The sources of information used to compile your report must be clearly stated, with appropriate in text referencing (APA 6 style). There is no minimum number of academic references to use. However, as you will see in the marking rubric, you cannot pass if you do not support and strengthen your points with research. Hence, references need to be used throughout your report.
As a marketing consultant, you will often produce written reports like the one above. However, you also usually present these to the client in person (or online).
In your group, you are required to present your report to the class. The presentation should cover all parts of the written report, in order. To help engage the audience, it is desirable to use slides to show key information and images.
Every member of the group must feature in the presentation and talk for approximately 2-3 mins. The total presentation will be 10 mins in duration. Try to give all students an equal opportunity to present.
Marking Guidelines
A detailed marking rubric is available for both the written report and presentation on the LMS.
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