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Assessment 3: Group Assignment

This group assignment requires you to apply theoretical concepts covered in MGT5OBR to a fictional business. This task gives you the opportunity to work collaboratively and to develop team-based skills.

You will work in groups of 4-5 students (subject to your workshop facilitator’s approval) to complete the assignment.

Your team needs to work together to share the work and produce a single team assignment. All team members will receive the same mark. Every member of the team is responsible for the assignment.

Assessment Task

You will be acting as a team of consultants to a fictional global engineering and construction company. The firm is comparable to Fluor Corporation. Your task is to produce a report to advise the organisation’s Australian unit (a business comparable to Fluor Australia) on what should be done to effectively manage employees.

This assignment requires you to do research. Your task is to draw on organisational behaviour theory and use it to critically analyse key issues concerning the management of employees at your fictional business and make recommendations to improve its performance with respect to the management of employees.

In the report you need to:

  • Briefly describe the fictional firm
  • Identify and analyse four key issues concerning the management of its employees
  • Provide recommendations

The report should have the following sections:

  1. Title page

2.       Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    • State the purpose of the
    • Briefly describe your fictional business. Choose a name for it and in your description focus on aspects relevant to your subsequent

For instance, we know motivation is contingent on the types of employees. If you choose to talk about motivation, you might describe the type of employees at your fictional business.

  • Provide a brief overview of the

4.       Issue analysis and recommendation

  • Identify and analyse four (4) key issues concerning the management of employees. Analyse each key issue using one organisational behaviour theory or concept. The issues selected must be spread across at least 3 of the subject’s modules. For each of the identified key issues, provide recommendations for the Australian unit of the fictional Explain and clarify using concrete examples.
  • For each of the identified key issues, briefly describe the chosen theory or concept, then explain in detail why and how it is relevant for the management of employees of your fictional Finally, draw specific and actionable recommendations.

For instance, you may identify employee motivation as one key issue. To analyse the issue, you might select one motivation theory from Module 3. You would briefly describe the theory. You would then explain in detail why this theory is relevant for the employees of your fictional business, and how you will use the theory to improve motivation. Finally, you would draw specific and actionable recommendations for the Australian unit of your fictional business.

  1. Summarise the report findings.
  2. Reference You need to use the APA 6th Referencing style.

As a general guide, coverage of each of the four issues (with recommendations) should be roughly equal in word count. The conclusion should be approximately 10% of the length of the paper. The introduction will likely be longer than a standard 10% of the paper because it needs to include a detailed description of your fictional business.

You MUST consult and reference a minimum of ten (10) academic articles to support your analysis.

Length:                                 A maximum of 4,000 words (+/- 10%) (Title page, table of contents and reference list are excluded from the word count. In-text citations are included.)

Weighting:                          30% of your total mark

Due date:                            First Sunday of Central Examination Period by 11:55pm

Submission:                        Submit via the LMS (Assignment Turnitin). Hard copies are NOT required Format:            The document should be written as a clear, concise report. It is important

that your essay has a logical structure, and makes use of relevant subheadings where appropriate. Ensure coherent writing and avoid grammatical and spelling mistakes. For reading (and marking) ease please use a 12-point Calibri font with 2x spacing.

Marking Criteria:               Please refer to the LMS for marking criteria.

Assignment Milestones

Week 5 Group formation

·         Form groups and decide on a group name

Week 9 Group Charter

·         Submit a copy of the Group Charter in the workshop

·         Time will be provided in the workshop to complete the Group Charter

Week 11 Assessment 3 Draft

·         Submit draft in the workshop (Draft worth 5% of assignment mark)

·         Feedback will be provided in the workshop

First Sunday Central Examination Period Group assignment submission

·         Only one member of the team to submit the assignment

·         Submit via assignment link on the LMS subject page

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