MGT2SME - Sports Media Assessment 2: Media Release
This assessment is designed for your to showcase your ability to watch/listen/read information, comprehend it and make a judgement about what is important from a specific perspective to design a media release. You will submit two (2) media releases for assessment.
- Watch the video
- Take notes (you won't have time to transcribe it so write down memory trigger words that will remind you of the key message in each response)
- You will have 15 minutes to create a list of topics and then put them in order of importance from the perspective of the specified organisation. Given the organisations audience will be interested in everything that is said, what does the organisation want to highlight as the most important message?
- Submit your list using the LMS link (Multiple files can be uploaded)
- Write your Media Release.
Remember to consider the concept of a 'mini story' and the 5Ws (you may not have all five). Use a proper media release template incorporating the key elements of a media release as learnt in class. Submit using the same LMS link.
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