MGT2HRM Human Resource Management
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Course Code: MGT2HRM
Course Name: Human Resource Management
Assessment Task Description
This is an individual assessment task.
The Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) is the national association representing Human Resource strategy and people management professionals. AHRI have over 20,000 members throughout the world and provide education and training services in HR and people management and business skills. AHRI also organizes world-class conferences which bring HR practitioners together and holds seminars and networking opportunities all over Australia. AHRI also sets standards through accreditation of HR qualifications at universities across Australia (including LaTrobe’s HR degree), conducts research into people management practices, and assists governments in the development of policy and legislation that affects people at work.
AHRI have released a ‘Model of Excellence’, which explains the capabilities and behaviors of an ‘excellent HR manager’. This model provides a conceptual basis for the accreditation of HR practitioners and training offered by AHRI and universities. The model identifies 7 capabilities that are essential for HR practitioners (see These capabilities are being:
- Business driven;
- A strategic architect;
- An expert practitioner;
- An ethical and credible activist;
- A workforce and workplace designer;
- A cultural and change leader; and
- A stakeholder mentor and coach.
- In this assignment, you are to select three (3) of these capabilities and address the following (in your own words, with referencing as required):
- What does this capability entail?
- Why would it be important for a Human Resource Manager to have this capability? Draw on appropriate frameworks to support your arguments.
- If you were applying for a graduate HR position, what evidence could you offer to show that you possess this capability? Draw upon your own experiences, whether it be your work, university life, home life, volunteering or sporting experiences.
Please discuss each capability separately, under its own subheading. All reference material must be appropriately cited in the text of your assignment. Include a separate reference section that includes the full citation information. Follow the style guidelines for the Academy of Management Journal. Note that Wikipedia and similar websites are NOT acceptable sources for this assignment. Your Report must be typed and have standard margins on all sides. Double-spacing is preferred.
The assignment is to be submitted in one document via the Online Tutoring submission link in the LMS. The assignment will be entered into Turnitin automatically when submitted. You can submit the assignment as many times as you like prior to the submission date/time. However, please note that the second and subsequent times you submit the assignment, the originality report from Turnitin will take up to 24 hours to be released.
Please remember that the University takes a very serious view with regard to plagiarism, and you are strongly advised to read the University’s policies on academic integrity at the following website: Please be aware that plagiarism is a form of serious academic misconduct and will be penalized accordingly. Plagiarism detection and prevention software (i.e., Turnitin) is used to aid in identifying possible incidences of plagiarism in written assignments (see
MGT2HRM Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to define formal system developed for the management of people within an organization. Human resource manager responsibilities fall into three key areas: employee benefits and compensation, staffing and designing/defining work. For all purposes and intents, HRM aims to maximize organizations productivity by enhancing the effectives of its employees. This challenge and mandate is not likely to change in any fundamental way, even though the businesses are changing at ever-increasing pace. Human resource management primary responsibilities includes: utilization and organization of workforce, staffing, job analysis, appraisal and measurement of work performance, workers’ professional development, enactment of reward system for employees and maintenance of workers.
The MGT2HRM Human resources courses helps to explore the operational and strategic issues involved in managing staff in the organization. It further allows studying the challenges faced by human resource managers in contemporary organizations of Australia, also strive for enhancing the understating of human resource management practices in constantly evolving organizational, industrial relations, economic and social environment. Moreover, it pave a way to explore the causes behind human resource management (HRM) recognition, within organizations as well as the underlying aim of this field. It takes into account the strategic approach to HRM covering operational and functional aspects.
The assessment comprises of case studies, research papers and report writing. The write up requires critical analysis, extensive research and assumptions to real-world organization scenarios. For every task, it is essential to incorporate HRM concepts, frameworks and strategies, also composing it according to marking rubric.
The questions on human resource management are set in such a way that it gives critical analysis on topics or real-life management problems or situations. Students are expected to make extensive research and then analyze it critically using HRM concepts and framework. Coming up with appropriate solutions and well-written paper is easy for those who have strong grounds on the subject. Unfamiliarity with HRM strategies can lead to poor consequences in terms of plagiarized work and inaccuracy. Do you find HRM assignments tedious? Just because you have lack of subject understanding, does it consume lot of time and extra attention to draft your assignment? To relieve you from academic concerns, myassignemnthelp has got you reliable human resource management assignment assistance. The urgent Online Tutoring from us is affordable yet quality-oriented which is delivered in specified time frame. So if you seek professionalism and accuracy in HRM assignments, our experts’ assistance is one of the best possible options.
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