MGT1OBE MGT2OBE Assessment Task 3

This assignment is intended to provide an authentic teamwork experience. This task gives you the opportunity to work collaboratively and to develop team-based skills.

You will work in teams to complete the assignment. You MUST join a group in your enrolled workshop to complete Assessment 3. From week 4 to 6, during the workshop you will have opportunity to join a group.

Your team needs to work together to share the work and produce a single team assignment. All team members will receive the same mark. Every member of the team is responsible for the assignment.

Your team needs to work together to share the work and produce a single team assignment. One member required to submit the assignment on behalf of the team, and all team members will receive the same mark. Every member of the team is responsible for the assignment and required to support each other.

Assessment Task

The scenario created for this task is as follows:

You are a team of student interns at a large, private organisation. As part of an internship project, your supervisor wishes to provide you with an organisational problem that needs solving, however you must first demonstrate how you will be an effective team.

As part of the internship orientation, your boss has given you a team building assignment. Your task is to produce a report on how to turn your group of student interns into a highly functional team capable of carrying out the internship project.

You will not be offered the internship project until the team building assignment has been completed.


Assignment instructions

Using the above scenario, your MGT1OBE_MGT2OBE Assessment Task 3 is to complete the team building assignment. Your task is to produce a report how to turn your group of student interns into a highly functional team.

This assignment requires you to do research. Your task is to draw on Organisational Behaviour theory and use it to critically analyse your team and make recommendations to improve its performance with respect to the internship project (see scenario).

You need to:

  • Analyse your team composition
  • Identify three potential issues affecting team performance with respect to the internship project
  • Recommend how you would address each issue

Your report should have the following sections:

  1. State the topic of the report, what you will be arguing, and how you have structured the report.
  2. Analyse your team composition. Describe the individual members and their inter-relationships. For instance, consider attributes of individual team members, member diversity, team size, etc. Explain and clarify using concrete examples. Use Organisational Behaviour concepts, theory and frameworks in addressing this section.
  3. Identify three issues likely to affect team performance. Based on your analysis in Section 2, identify three potential team issues (opportunities and problems arising from your team composition) that are likely to impact on team performance. You need to include at least one possible problem or weakness. Explain and clarify using concrete examples. Use Organisational Behaviour concepts, theory and frameworks in addressing this section.
  4. Recommend how you would address each issue. Based on your analysis in Section 3, provide three recommendations. Recommendations are the suggested actions based on your analysis in Section 3. They must be both relevant and feasible. Provide the concrete steps required to address each Use Organisational Behaviour concepts, theory and frameworks in addressing this section.
  5. Summarise key points made in the report.
  6. Reference You need to use the APA 7 referencing style.


As a general guide, sections 2, 3, and 4 should be roughly equal in word count. The introduction and conclusion section should account for approximately 10% of the word count.

You MUST consult and reference a minimum of six (6) academic articles and two (2) books (of which one can be the recommend textbook, Wood et al, 2019) to support your analysis.

We recommend you consider the following publications to identify relevant articles: Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Journal, British Journal of Management, Human Relations, Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, Business Horizons, Harvard Business Review.


Length:                   A maximum of 2,000 words (+/- 10%) (Reference list and title page are excluded from the word count)

Weighting:            20% of your total mark

Due date:              Sunday ending Week 10 by 11:55pm

Submission:          Submit via the LMS. Hard copies are NOT required

Format:                  The document should be written as a clear, concise report. It is important that your report has a logical structure, and makes use of relevant subheadings where appropriate. Ensure coherent writing and avoid grammatical and spelling mistakes. For reading (and marking) ease please use a 12-point Calibri font with 2x spacing.

The marking guide that will be used to grade your team assignment can be downloaded from the LMS under Assessment 3. Students are advised to consult the marking guide before commencing their assessment piece.

Assignment Milestones

Weeks 4 to 6 ·         Students form Groups for Assessment 3 during the workshop and join a group on LMS
Week 7 ·         Team Work Plan

·         Students will submit a copy of their ‘Team Work Plan’ in the Week 7 workshop.

·         Time will be provided in the Week 7 workshop to complete the Team Work Plan

Week 9 ·         Team consultation

·         Research Summary Templates due during consultation

·         Facilitators will meet with teams during the Week 9 workshop and discuss assignments – all team members should be in attendance

Week 10 ·         Assessment 3 submission

·         Sunday ending Week 10 by 11:55pm


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