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Question & Answers



Summer Term 2019-2020


  • This assignment is an individual assignment.
  • All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • Student must apply Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook along with at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • Write at least 4-5 pages in length, excluding the title page, abstract and required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements.
  • It is strongly encouraged that you submit your assignment into the safe assignment Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading.

An Overview about Assignment submission Time & grades:

Type of Assignment Posting date Due date Marks Grace period*
Critical thinking Start of week 3 End of Week 4 20 3        days

* Grace Period: with accepted excuse (accepted by instructor) with deduction of 10% for late submission

Critical thinking: 2

Principles of Management

Reference: MGT490-Book-Chapter No-05 (Planning)


This chapter has highlighted the role of mission statements as a starting point for organisational planning. In his book, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices, Peter Drucker said a mission statement should serve as the ‘foundation for priorities, strategies, plans and work assignments' by providing a precise statement of the organisation's core purpose. He suggested that in about three sentences a good mission statement would explain who it relates to, what they do, what they stand for and why they do it and that the information provided would communicate to separate, distinct stakeholder groups.


  1. Based on the criteria suggested by Peter Drucker, do business organisations produce mission statements that appear to provide a good starting point for organisational planning? Draw on actual examples to support your answer and critique these examples.
  2. There is evidence that over the last decade businesses have modified their mission statements to include more reference to their ethical behaviour. Examine how the content of mission statements has changed and explain why this change has occurred.

Note: Answer the questions thoroughly. Use at least 4 scholarly references to support your arguments. (Expected word count: 400-500 words).


As discussed in the chapter, management by objectives (MBO) is a long established and still widely practised management tool to motivate employees. MBO is informed by goal setting theory, which is a widely researched idea supported in multiple independent research studies conducted among different types of organisation and different types of employee in different countries.


  1. Is MBO an example of how management can become an evidence-based profession?

What risks are associated with the use of MBO and how far do you think that guidance on good practice in setting work objectives for employees ensures that these risks can be controlled?

Note: Use at least 3 scholarly references to support your arguments. (Expected word count: 300-400 words)

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