MGMT6012 Management Perspectives - Case Study Report Assignment Help

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The world is constantly changing, the consumer is sophisticated, technology is part of our everyday lives and while many strong global brands exist, the trend toward location is also increasing. A transition that has no effect on the business environment is difficult to think about. Today companies operate in dynamic environments that are growing. Each company must be in a position to evaluate the external environments ' opportunities and challenges and the strengths and weaknesses of its internal environment to succeed. The management viewpoint strongly illustrates the organization's organizational base. Management's role in governing the various functions of the organization. Only in an environment that feeds good performance are highly effective groups and creative agile workers. Good management in this context is virtually invisible because the atmosphere of achievement is established. The ability to create a working environment so that everyone is empowered and rewarded for meeting the organisation's objectives. The business is a society in itself. Sometimes the manager overlooks this but the employees never overlook this. The key issue is how to communicate with our fellow human beings productively and respectfully irrespective of institution, structure, state, gender or race (Carlopio and Andrewartha, 2012). The present work explores the different management viewpoints of Uber, where management roles and responsibilities in an enterprise, organizational structure, teamwork, corporate ethics, and inclusion are evident to the organization. Uber has been enjoying massive success for the past 7 years in Australia, where it has established itself as the leading ride-sharing application with over 4.3 million users above the age of 14 which represents a total of 20% of the population average in three months (Roy Morgan, 2019). The problem of corporate culture leadership and the growing ethical of workers is discussed. In a context based on relevant management theory, the problem will be critically evaluated for Uber.  The methodology of natural information will be explored to help explain Uber's management practices. The performance of the managers in Uber, their role in context of ethics and diversity of the organization.

Research Methodology 

Experienced managers acquire much of their information in their day-to-day activities – this is a form of naturally occurring data. The key requirement is to acquire information which fits the need of the current situation. Continued technological changes in the economic and social context constantly create new approaches to managers ' research (Pettigrew, 1990). We are now experiencing a rapid change in business and so the manager cannot rely on previous experience and should reevaluate the kinds of information they need on a regular basis. The more information a manager has, and the better the quality of that information, the better the decisions that the manager can make. Information can be sourced from two areas – what is happening outside and inside the organisation (the external and internal environments). Qualitative research takes the form of a study that does not distinguish it from the perspective of the investigator (Mills, 1959). This research method offers some advantages research by Miles and Huberman (1994) concludes that qualitative data correctly gathered is extracted from naturally occurring events which represent the real perspective of events. A research model provides a comprehensive structure to evaluate the variables that the research question is defined. Research can be referred to as the scientific method which helps solve the problem and uses it mostly to assess market potential. This involves the analysis of the entire problem and alternative resolution methods, by ultimately evaluating the various techniques and using the best technique to find all solutions the researcher allocated (Yin, 1981). The case study approach (Yin, 1984, Woodside, 2010) was commonly used for industrial marketing research, for which comprehensive empirical data analysis based on this method was carried out, while only more recently the methodological problems are addressed. (Borghini, Carù, and Cova, 2010; Easton, 2010). Case study research was the focus of growing interest, producing a comprehensive literature based on its function as a tool for management, Although, case study research has its limitations at critics it is viewed as the primary source of data for the grounded theory (Glaser and Strauss, 1967) and a systematic combining of theory and empirical researches (Dubois and Gadde, 2002). Research by Yin (1981) concluded that case research is considered a useful method. Data collection method for this study will include two resources, which are primary and secondary sources, the primary data will include internal publications which are websites, annual reports and publications whereas, the secondary data will be collected case studies, newspaper and other published materials by different authors, all these sources will reflect naturally occurring data (Guercini, 2014). Qualitative analysis has many methods like ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, and historical research, for this study we will use the content analysis which is used to analyse text data. Work using empirical content analysis focuses on language characteristics as interaction with respect to message and document conceptual sense (Budd, Thorp, and Donohew, 1967; Lindkvist, 1981; McTavish and Pirro, 1990).

Vision and Value of the Organization

Mission: Uber’s mission is to bring transportation — for everyone, everywhere.

Vision: Smarter transportation with fewer cars and greater access. Transportation that’s safer, cheaper, and more reliable; transportation that creates more job opportunities and higher incomes for drivers.

To solve organizations problems and to have a deeper understanding of business and how to handle it, the use of metaphor was introduced (Morgan, 1986). Morgan's primary aim is to open new possibilities of organisation, for the principle of the use of imagination is fundamental to one's theoretical vision (Diga, 2014). Uber will be analysed from the following 8 metaphors by Morgan. 

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