MGF5611 Advanced Supply Chain Management - Assignment Help

Word limit is 2,000 words, including references, tables and figures. Table and figures should be properly labelled and references should provide full details. Please specify the number of words at the end of the report.

For your selected product, answer the following questions:

  1. Product Characteristics:
    1. Describe the one single product selected – one size/colour from a range offered (product attributes). What information is provided on the label? Identify competitor products. Which industry sector does these products fall into? How has the product changed over time? What are the different customer groups?
    2. Identify the dimensions of competitiveness and the order winners/qualifiers for your product and competitor products. How have these changed over time?
    3. Identify where the product is on the PLC and the appropriate production/delivery system that should be used.
  1. Mapping the Supply Chain/Network:
    1. Draw a map of the SC/supply network. Identify all key players and other organisations that enable this product to be made and delivered to the Provide as much details as you can - having done further research on the product, the SC and the industry sector.
    2. Consider the relationships that exist between the SC partners. Highlight which SC partners have the greatest influence on the supply chain and briefly discuss why?
  1. Discuss the following:
    1. Implications for the SC - if your product is MTO or
    2. How the performance of the SC is
  1. Clearly, the SC must respond to market needs/demands. So, your task is to make a reasonable assessment of whether the current SC is meeting market needs.
    1. Identify the challenges/issues faced by individual organisations and whether these are being addressed adequately.
  2. Identify and discuss the key business processes used by all entities of this SC that should be integrated?
  3. Consider how the SC performance can be improved by evaluating the design of the product and the whole supply Make specific recommendations in this respect.


Select a simple product that only has a small number of components and it is easy for you the see how these components have been assembled together. You need to be able to also think about how these components are produced and the materials used to make the individual components and the sourcing of the materials. Considering sustainability and the push towards becoming a Circular Economy, the design stage is becoming critical. Hence, you need to consider the design of the product and how the different end-of-life options are captured in product design. At the end of product life, you need to also consider recovery, disposal and recycling facilities available for consumers.

More details will be provided during the lectures and tutorials in Weeks 1 – 3.

Hence, select a product that you are well familiar with and perhaps use regularly. A product that you have experience in purchasing yourself. DO NOT select a complex product that has many hundreds or thousands of components (e.g. an automobile, computers etc.). A suggestion is to select a product that you can take to your tutorial and discuss the product’s attributes etc. during the tutorial times.


  1. Your submission does not have to be like an essay. Provide answers to each of the questions listed above. Use short answers – mix of appropriate sentences and bullet
  2. Make use of the literature to support your observations, analysis and recommendations. Draw upon your current readings of journal articles and other reports. My expectation is that 8 to 10 relevant references are cited.
  3. Summarise as much as you can in Tables/Figures. Number each Table/Figure and refer to in the
  4. List references properly. Use the APA style – that is an "author-date" style in the text and full details provided in the list of references.
  5. Please submit a Word document on the Moodle site. Also, please use Times New Roman, 12 size font in 5 line spacing

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