Licola Village Assessment 2 Instructions
Please read the information in "Licola Village" case study. You are a consultant to Mr Wallaby, the project manager of an Australian Not-for-Profit Organisation that wants to replicate the idea and success of the Licola Village in a town in Fiji.
Assume you are at the start of a new project in Fiji and have been appointed by the project manager (Mr Wallaby) to assist in planning the various sub-plans of this project. Your task is to put together a Risk Management Plan and Project Governance Plan so that the project manager can discuss his approach with the CEO before proceeding with further work. These Plans Case will be among the main documents on which the NGO's board bases its approval decision. Also, the NGO is planning to approach the Fiji government for funding support and will require the inclusion of competent Risk Management and Governance Plans.
Modules 3 and 4 directly relate to this assessment. If you feel out of your depth with too many unknowns and uncertainties or even a feeling of ‘I don’t know what I am doing’- welcome to the world of project management. It is not uncommon that a manager ventures into a discipline that he/she is not familiar with and has to learn ‘on the run’. Between the PMBoK reference, the Module’s notes and your own research, there should be more than sufficient information for you to tackle this task. We are looking for the thinking that supports your decisions and/or recommendations, and the underpinning logic, not how well you can repeat what you have been taught or have read.
The scope of the task
Risk Management Plan: Mr Wallaby needs to know what kind of risks are dealt with in a Risk Management Plan and how are different elements prioritised. Your write-up should include the justifications of why certain risks need planning and other issues that you believe are important to address, with reference to academic and/or professional publications.
Project Governance Plan: Mr Wallaby needs to know how the project’s progress will be tracked without imposing a complex process on a relatively low-value project (as important to the Fijian society as it is) and overloading his limited resources. In particular, he wants to know how his finance is tracking, how well the project is adhering to the schedule, how well his risk plan is working and whether there are any emerging risk and anything else you deem necessary for project reporting and governance purposes. More importantly, how will all this data be reported and presented, and how frequently? The CEO needs a regular project summary so that he can keep the Board up to date on the project achievements.
Preparing your submissions
Prepare your submission as a Word document, up to 2,000 words, +/- 10% and excluding list of references. Make sure you include at least eight references to academic publications, using the Harvard referencing style. Refer to the Assessment 2 marking rubric before starting work on this assessment.
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