LCR3IFC International Financial Crime - Essay Assignment Help

1                   Research essay (60%)

  • A research essay of 2,300 words must be submitted by 1300 on 16 February 2022. Select one of the following two topics:

Topic 1: FATF and its standards support effective and efficient crime combating with minimal negative impact on society. You may argue this in the positive or negative or you may point to both positive and negative aspects. OR

Topic 2: Australia is failing to apply FATF standards appropriately to prevent money laundering in real estate and casinos. You may argue this in the positive or negative or you may point to both positive and negative aspects.

In the alternative, you are welcome to propose an own topic for approval by the lecturer. In that case your annotated bibliography should focus on the subject matter of your approved assignment topic.

  • Select a formal, academic reference style of your choice, state the selected style on your cover page, and apply it
  • The word length of the assignment is 2300 words. A contents page, footnotes and a reference list of all works cited are required but they do not form part of the word The word count of the body of the text should be stated clearly on the cover page of the assignment.

To avoid penalty, your work should be in the range of 2100-2500 words. Students will be penalised 10% of the total mark for every 200 words (or part of 200 words) their

work exceeds 2500 words or is less than 2100 words. For instance, if your provisional mark is 80% and the penalty is 10%, your final mark is 70%.

Further examples:

  • 2000 words - 10% penalty
  • 2200 words - no penalty
  • 2,400 words - no penalty
  • 2600 words - 10%

Grading criteria: Your research essay will be graded with reference to the following criteria:

  • Structure of the essay
  • Quality of argument and conclusion
  • Quality of research
  • Presentation, referencing and compliance

2                   General

  • It is recommended that you submit your essay a day or so earlier in order to check for similarity issues. Resubmissions take around 24 hours to have their similarity Note that no resubmissions are permitted after the due date.
  • Note that by submitting your work via the LMS you confirm that you have read and agreed with the Statement of Student Responsibility which includes an acknowledgement of authorship and all that follows from
  • Resubmission is possible until the due date. After that, Turnitin does not accept resubmission, although original submission is still
  • Do not lodge in iOS (Apple or Mac) Pages format. Turnitin cannot read that format. If using Pages, save it to Word or PDF before uploading the
  • If you are unable to submit your essay by the due date you should consult your subject coordinator beforehand to see if there are grounds for an extension. Extensions will only be given for very good reasons, normally only medical grounds or other serious interruptions in your ability to work. They are not granted for reasons that should be dealt with by a better organisation of your time and work practices. Nor are they given for reasons that were reasonably foreseeable at the time of enrolling in the subject.
  • An essay submitted after the due date without an extension having been granted may be penalised by the deduction of one mark awarded for each day or part thereof by which it is No submissions more than 7 days late will be accepted.
  • Plagiarism is taken extremely seriously at La Trobe University. Penalties include suspension from the University for up to three years and exclusion from the University without readmission. Plagiarism is defined and discussed in the Academic Integrity Policy. The Subject Learning Guide contains a hyperlink to the web site.

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