ISYS2452 Team Task 2 User Experience Prototype

Team Task 2 – User Experience Prototype

Course code and name: ISYS2452 Design Thinking and the Digital Startup

Assessment name: Team Task 2: User Experience Prototype

Weight: 45% (Presentation 25%, Work Catalogue 20%)

Assignment due date: Week 9 - presentation in Week 9 tutorial session (Week starting 20th September)


Feedback mode: 

Feedback will be provided on document submitted and at the presentation.

Assessment Declaration:

I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment declaration (Links to an external site.).



You now have initial approval from the angel investor and it is now your task to generate an user experience prototype that will demonstrate how your business idea will work. You have three deliverables for this task:

  1. User Experience Prototype: Create a user experience prototype for your digital startup.
  2. Presentation (25%): A 10 minute presentation of your user experience prototype will be done in the Week 9 tutorial. The context of this presentation is that you are presenting to the angel investor and your goal is to sell the angel investor on the user experience of your digital business and persuade them to continue funding you. Marks will be allocated to this presentation. Your presentations will be marked by people from industry who are involved in user experience.
  3. Work Catalogue (20%): A document detailing the design and thought that you have done. This document does not have to be formally presented, it just has to be a catalogue of the work that you have done to develop your prototype. You should include all the draft versions of documents and deliverables that you have generated on the way. It does need to include the relevant project management documentation from the Scrum process, if you have not used Trello.

The prototype needs to be a navigable prototype that shows the navigation, but does not necessarily need to be in the tool that you would use to deliver the system (though this is preferable). It is perfectly acceptable to have a prototype that only has sample data and does not store the data or allow data entry. There will be bonus marks for prototypes that can do this.

All deliverables should be made available to your tutor in your One Drive directory. A Scrum Board is available for Team Task 2 on Trello listing all the user stories and tasks that you need to do.

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