International Marketing Leadership Assignment

Key Details and Requirements

Submission deadline: Friday 27 May 2022, no later than 16:30 (UK time), 17:30 (Berlin time)

Learning Outcomes to be achieved:

  1. Synthesise and critically evaluate the links from the international corporate strategy to the marketing strategy and ways of delivering an organisation’s corporate mission and vision
  2. Develop sustainable international competitive advantage through synthesise and implementation of international approaches to marketing leadership and innovation; assessing the link between shareholder value and an organisation’s on-going
  3. Develop international marketing strategies to establish an organisation’s competitive and sustainable marketing and relationship strategies to achieve the organisation’s strategic intent and deliver its value
  4. Develop and promote operational marketing plans at a strategic and organisational level so that they support strategic objectives using synergistic planning processes, taking account of different planning frameworks (cross- functional and board level contribution) and ensuring they are within the resource capabilities of an

Assessment details: Individual assignment for an international organisation 60% - (3,000 words +/- 10%)

Referencing: Students are expected to use Harvard Referencing throughout their assignments where required. Please follow the Harvard Referencing Handbook for all your assignments at the ULBS.

Submission Method: Turnitin - Your work needs to be put through Turnitin. All submissions will be electronically checked for plagiarism.

You have the option to upload your work ahead of the deadline, ULBS will be reviewing your last submission only.

Turnitin cannot be used for late submissions. In such case, you should send your work to [email protected]

If you experience issues when uploading your work, please email it by the deadline to [email protected]

Assignment Details: Scenario

Visit the home pages of one or more multinational firms you are interested in. Follow the links to find out about the company’s products, pricing, distribution, and marketing communications strategies. Do a search of the web for other information about the companies.


Based on your findings, answer the following questions:

  • What is the organisation’s business? What is the overall purpose of the organisation? What does the organisation hope to achieve?
  • What customer does the business want to serve?
  • What elements of the web page specifically reflect the business of the organisation? How is the web page designed to attract the organisation’s customers?
  • Do you think the international marketing strategies and other activities of the firm are consistent with its mission? Why do you think, feel this way?
  • Develop a report based on your findings and conclusions about the firm (3000 words, therefore + /- 10% tolerance level) 

You are required to use sound and relevant international marketing theories to underpin your work. Therefore, it is imperative that you demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding of international marketing leadership concepts and theories within the context. Use referencing sources – use 4-5 relevant books and the same number of relevant academic articles (web sites are not included on the list)

This assessment is designed to test students’:

  • Ability to demonstrate a clear understanding of international marketing
  • Ability to apply theory to practical examples and situations
  • Ability to include a degree of originality in the answer
  • Basic research and information retrieval techniques
  • Ability to produce a comprehensive synthesis of the argument within the given space limitations
  • Reference skills (see Harvard referencing style)
  • Ability to produce and present work of a high academic standard

Expert's Answer

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