INT370 Politics And The Media - Assignment Task 2
Assessment Task 2: Essay
The 2000 word essay is written as a formal academic essay with appropriate acknowledgement of research sources presented with references. Students will answer one essay question from the topics below.
- Recent development in networked media have raised the issues of privacy and trust in the use of data. How should democratic societies attempt to control the use of data in the media?
- How has reporting on wars and conflict changed since the Second World War – have they improved reporting and information access by the public on war?
- From all the theories of media and communication, which do you think best accounts for the Fox/Faux effect? Why?
- The propaganda model suggests that media reinforces the power of liberal Do you agree? Why or why not?
- Securitisation and surveillance have increased dramatically since the 9/11 Does contemporary media make us more or less secure?
- Are traditional forms of media still relevant after the rise of networked and social media?
- The media has often been accused of perpetuating stereotypes by by presenting one class, race, or gender in a specific manner. How has cinema/film OR TV perpetuated stereotypes of the Middle East?
- Has social media helped improve media and information for the publics of democracies?
- What effect do television shows OR movies have on social behaviour - is it positive or negative? Consider in reference to two
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