INFS5740 Business Systems Project - Impact of Business Intelligence Proposal Assignment Help

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Business intelligence is a smart system that analyse the data and provide beneficial information to the organization especially the decision makers. Not only will this system provide helpful information but it will also predict the future according to previous data. 

In addition, the term Business Intelligence (BI) is used across mutable data technology and business models. Also, there are some closely related terms to business intelligence such as decision support systems (DSS) (Nedelcu, 2014).  

Business intelligence can be very helpful for organizations that want to improve their value and get better results. It will allow organizations to have more information that will lead to actions that are more informative. 

From personal experience, I think having a business intelligence will help some organization thrive and be more successful. It will provide information that can help forecast the future and the best way to prepare for it. 

Furthermore, if we examine the definitions of business intelligence (BI) from business perspective such as Forrester research definition “ Business Intelligence is a set of methodologies, processes, architectures, and technologies that transform raw data into meaningful and useful information used to enable more effective strategic tactical, and operational insights and decision-making” or Howard’s Dresner definition of BI “ BI is an umbrella term to describe concepts and methods to improve business decision making by using fact-based support systems” it becomes clear that defining BI from business view shows the importance of business results in BI system. (Williams, 2017). 

In other words, it is important to differentiate between defining Business Intelligence (BI) from business perspective and (BI) from technical view. It is critical to view (BI) as a tool that can improve decision-making process in an organization rather that showing how the BI will work. Business oriented definition of (BI) should focus on the relation between the (BI) and the business impact of the system. 

Although many companies have gained competitive advantage over the competition by using BI, It is very important to determine the importance of BI to the company and if the industry rely on information to achieve competitive advantage (Williams, 2017).

Because BI uses business information, business analyses, and decision-support methods, investing in BI can provide answers on how to increase profits and reduce costs which is the goal for many business organizations. In addition, studies have shown a strong relationship between BI and BA. (Richards, 2019). 

In this time and age, the size of date in the organizations has increased dramatically in the last few years and it also became more complex than before. Making the need of BI more than ever. Furthermore, this “ big data” era has provide us with more reach information that can improve the impact of BI. 

Research Plan 

I am planning to read about the latest trend on the business intelligence (BI) and the decision support systems (DSS). I will try different resources to familiarize  myself with the topic. Furthermore, I will explore resources from different culture to see the impact of business intelligence (BI) and decision support systems (DSS) on different cultures. The next step will be to examine organizations that use some sort of business intelligence (BI) or decision support system (DSS) and compare them to organization that do not use either systems. I will use both surveys and interviews to collect the information needed for this study. This will provide me with real life information about the topic and I will be able to reach more accurate conclusion about the benefits of business intelligence.

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