Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 - Taxation Assignment Help

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Question no.1

Taxation Ruling TR 2019/1

ATO TR 2019/1 began replacing the previous TR 2017 / D7 project, with the Commissioner’s conclusion that the company is trading businesses to achieve a lower corporate tax rate of 27.5 in 2015-16, and 17 years of income and determining the percentage of referrals that are paid to dividends paid to shareholders.

The decision comes after the adoption of the 2017 Law on Amendments to Treasury Law (the basis for business tax base entities), which means the term 'base rate entities' that the company must replace. as of July 1, 2017 to bring the minimum tax rate for corporations to 27.5%

Therefore, the key criteria for doing business are: if a person wants to do business; the nature of the activities, especially if they have a profitable purpose; if these activities are duplicate and systematically run commercially, including book storage, record keeping and system use; the size and scope of the company's activities, including the amount of capital used and whether this activity is better described as a leisure or leisure activity.

Division 30 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Tax is deductible if the value of gift is $2 or more, as stated in division 30. A gift is defined as a gift of money, property, an item of trading stock or it can be a gift of disposal of business, shares acquired in a listed company, any property valued by Commissioner $5000 or more, market value of shares, any shares acquired before 12 months of making it a gift are under the amble of taxation. The tax is deducted on the average of GST inclusive market values. 

Top Tax rate on resident taxpayer

In the financial year 2018/2019 the tax rate applicable on taxable income as indicated in the schedule is $ 180001 and over the applicable rate will be 34.8 and would be less than 45%.

And the minimal tax rate applicable is on the taxable income of 9.65% over $18201. It is 19c of every $1 over $18200. 

A car or motorcycle exempt from capital gains tax

Capital gains tax applies to real estate, shares, units and similar investments, cryptocurrency, leases, goodwill, licenses, foreign currency, contractual rights, and major capital improvements made to land or pre-CGT assets collectables and personal use assets above a certain value (there are restrictions on using any capital losses from these items). Exemption of capital gains tax includes a car or motorcycle along other stated exemptions. 

The CGT event C1 s104-20 tax

C1 occurs during CGT event if it has been lost or destroyed. This could happen, for example, if a building burns with fire on your land. Your capital gain for the CGT C1 event that takes place will take away any of your insurance benefits for loss or destruction. When you sell or transfer an asset, it is called an Income Tax Event (CGT). This is the point at which you will gain or lose. There are other CGT events, such as when a managed fund or other trust fund distributes interest on capital.

The current tax-free threshold for a resident individual

If you are a resident of Australia for tax purposes, the first $ 18,200 of your annual income is not taxed. This is called the duty free threshold.

The significance of the High Court case, Hayes v FCT (1956) 96 CLR 47 with reference to assessable income

This is an appeal of the decision of the Financial Review Board. In the year ending June 30, 1951, the taxpayer was paid a George William Richardson. In cases that need to be investigated, 12,000 5s shares were fully paid. each at Richardson Meat Industries Ltd. The Commissioner included the par value of these shares (£ 3,000) in the same year's taxable profit. Most of the Board of Directors considered that the correct amount was entered correctly and that the taxpayer would go to court.

In 1939 Hayes, an accountant, lived in Melbourne. Richardson then marketed meat and small products in Hobart under the name "Richardson's Choice Richardson". His business was expanding and he wanted more qualified accounting services and expertise in special expenses. He went to Melbourne, where he met Hayes, who, at his invitation, approached Hobart and began work. His exact position was unclear, but he appears to have been some kind of accountant and financial advisor in business.

In 1944, at the recommendation of Hayes, a privately held company, Richardson’s Choice Providence Pty. Ltd was created to set up a business. The company had a £ 17,000 divisions, about three-fifths of which was owned by people other than Richardson, and was therefore more inclined to do business. Hayes was assigned to the company 2,500 or 3,000 shares of £ 1 in the company. He says Richardson gave him £ 500 to allow him to pay for these actions. He became the company's director and secretary and retained the right to private practice, which appears to have existed since 1942.

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