ICT60415 Assessment Definition and Tasks

Case Study 1

The Golden Ponds Aged Care Facility

Golden Ponds has been operating since 1972, and has an outstanding record of Aged Care, and customer service.

It is a private facility with approximately 30 nursing staff on the books at any one time, and a bank of over 15 doctors that either work on site or are called in as specialists.

There are 90 beds

Golden Ponds has been fully focused for the last few years on managing the growing increase in Government reporting and compliance around aged care facilities while striving to continue to provide a high level of Aged Care. This has meant the infrastructure and processes needed for their internal support services has not been a priority and quality standards have decreased as staff and doctors have not been able to see and resolve incidents and problems before they occur or escalate.

The Peanut Scare

Recently a patient went into anaphylactic shock when he was fed a chicken curry that contained traces of peanuts. There had been notification that he suffered from the allergy, but there was no system in place to cross reference the patient allergies against the food they were served.

Fortunately, the nursing staff were on the ball, and caught it before any long-term damage was done, and the patient made a full recovery.

Management at Golden Ponds realised the enormous potential risk involved and decided that something must be done to ensure that it never happens again.

The Existing System

Golden Ponds has 4 operational Information systems:

Patient Registration and Administration System (PRAS) Medical Records System (MRS)

Payroll System (PRS) Billing System (BLS)

Nurses have access to both PRAS and MRS but have no privileges to edit or update any ofthe records

When nursing staff pulls data from PRAS or MRS they create spreadsheets to use to keep patient data. Some patients' data is kept in physical registers and some in the folders at the foot of each patient's bed.

There is little or no conformity enforced on the data that is kept, or the way it is written up.

The New System

Golden Ponds have recognised the need for an updated system that will get PRAS, MRS and PRS to interface with one another

A new Resident Management System (RMS) is to be created which would interface with MRS and PRAS and include functionality that enable nursing staff to record

drug  administration, allergies

special needs etc

An updated Authentication and authorisation policy is required Single sign-on is a must

The G-P management has no preference as to if the solutions is to be an off-the-shelf, OFDS +

customisation or custom build

Data Transfer

Integrity of data in existing systems must be maintained

While there is some data on PCs and in registers, there is no specific format. Golder Ponds staff will handle the entry of existing data into the system.

They will need training in their various roles.

Interact with Clients at a Business Level

Due By:              Assessment Task

25 Nov


Prepare thefollowing for your Golden Ponds client

Task 1:

A Disaster Recovery Plan Overview.

Make sure you include a DRP statement for the Consultancy work.

Task 2:

Identify and outline what the critical systems are for the client

Task 3:

Develop a DR backup plan. Make sure you include items such as

  1. Schedule and types of backup
  2. Offsite storage

Task 4:

Outline for the client what the Recovery Process should be. Include items such as

  1. DRP trigger
  2. How the processes will be restored
    • Onsite
    • New site?

25 Nov


Task 5: Group Assignment  completed in class

Prepare a project plan that lists the work required to undertake the review and update of the Golden Ponds disaster recovery plan.

This plan should include communicating the updated plan to the management of the organisation and gaining their acceptance

Task 6: Quiz

See link in MS Teams

You are required to submit your work via LMS (MS Teams) by uploading the required document as PDF into the appropriate task on or before due date.

Note: Please include a cover page and use a standard naming for your document, eg: SM_DRP Task xx_Your Name

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