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HLT37215 Certificate III in Pathology

Assessment Requirements


For this unit CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people you will receive two assessment books:

  1. Assessment Book 1 – Knowledge (this book)
  2. Assessment Book 2 – Reflective Journal

To achieve competence in this unit, you are required to satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks outlined in the two assessment books.

You must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively complete tasks outlined in the Elements and Performance Criteria of this unit. 

All assessment tasks adhere to the unit of competency requirements from the training package and the principles of assessment and rules of evidence as required by Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

Assessments enable validity and reliability by providing clear and consistent instructions for both Learners and Assessors.

The assessments tasks ensure that sufficient evidence can be provided by you to achieve an assessment of competence. All assessment is fair and reasonable by allowing for adjustment on supported request.

Assessment tasks are authentic, providing you with the ability to demonstrate it in your own work and based on current performance.

To achieve competence in this unit you must successfully meet all requirements for each assessment tasks listed before competency can be awarded. Where competency is not achieved the assessor will provide feedback and request further evidence.

To ensure fairness, consistency and reliability when marking assessments, assessors will be provided with the checklists of expected outcomes, behaviours and required answers.


If a learner does not achieve the required standard to reach competence, they will be given the opportunity to be re-assessed and/or to provide additional evidence. Arrangements will be made on an individual basis to ensure the process is valid, fair and reliable in line with the VET Assessment Policy and procedures

Assessment appeals

A learner who is dissatisfied with the outcome of his/her assessment should first discuss their concerns with the teacher/assessor and/or program leader. If the issue is not resolved, the learner may appeal the decision(s) by following the Complaints and Appeals process as outlined on the Melbourne Polytechnic Student Portal.

Reasonable adjustment

Learners with a disability or long-term medical or mental health condition can register with Melbourne Polytechnic Disability Support Services to develop a Disability Support Plan and access appropriate academic support.

Learners may also speak with teaching staff about other circumstances impacting their capacity to complete an evidence-based assessment and seek a reasonable adjustment. This may include but not limited to extra time or extensions for assessments, an alternate assessment task, note taking support or varying the venue.

Assessment Methods

Book Description Method
Assessment book 1


Assessment Task 1: Short answer questions


Assessment book 1


Assessment Task 2: Reflective Journal Guided Reflections
Assessment book 2


Assessment Task 2: Simulation /Workplace  Observation

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