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HLT150 Task 1 Reflection Assessment


Self-reflection is an important lifelong professional skill that in this task will assist you to learn about, and practice cultural humility as a basis for culturally safe practice. The purpose of this task is to demonstrate your ability to engage in the process of cultural humility (lifelong learning), by practicing self-reflection. This will help you to gain skills in self-reflexivity to be an effective and culturally safe health practitioner for Indigenous Australians’ health and wellbeing.

Instructions – Task 1a – Reflection Exercise

  • This is an individual formative assessment task to prepare you for Task 1a. Many students have no prior experience at writing reflections, so it is important to practice this skill and gain feedback prior to your first assessment. 
  • You will complete a written reflection prior to the Week 2 Workshop. 
  • The recommended word count is 300 to 400 words.
  • Please write your reflection using Word (or transfer it into a Word document).
  • The topic for the reflection will be provided in the week 1 workshop.
  • See the section ‘Reflection Structure’ below to guide the structure of your reflections for this course. 
  • You will receive formative feedback on your reflection in the workshop in Week 2. 
  • You can use your feedback in the development of Task 1a. 

Instructions – Task 1a and b - Reflection Journal

  • This is an individual task. 
  • The Learning Reflection Journal comprises of two (2) written reflections.
  • Each of the written reflections has a 300 to 400-word count requirement (+10/-10%).
  • Each reflection should contain at least one (1) scholarly reference. 
  • You will submit each reflection on Blackboard via SafeAssign.
  • The due dates for each reflection are as follows:
    • Reflection One (1) Task 1a: Due 5pm Friday, Week 3
    • Reflection Two (2) Task 1b: Due 5pm Friday, Week 6
  • The reflections will be on the following concepts:  See the section ‘Reflection Structure’ below to guide the structure of your Task 1a and 1b reflections. 
    • Reflection One (1) concept: Cultural humility – a future health professional perspective. 
    • Reflection Two (2) concept:  Racism – the role of unconscious bias among health professionals 
  • See the section ‘Reflection Structure’ below to guide the structure of your Task 1 reflections.

Reflection Structure   

The following reflection questions have been developed based on the sources listed below. The questions you are recommended to follow for your reflection are outlined below. This is the recommended structure for each of the reflections you prepare in Task 1a and Task 1b.   

Disorienting dilemma

What experience have you had in relation to Indigenous people or race or ethnicity that does not fit or cannot be fit into your existing meaning structures? How does your own culture (e.g. ethnicity, age, family experience, education, socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation, religion etc) affect your meaning structures?

Thoughts and feelings

Describe the effect of this disorienting dilemma on your thoughts or feelings. (You might also identify assumptions that you have that you realise are not the sole truth or values that are not the ‘norm’.) Discomfort or uncertainty are common in this stage but they can motivate you to find new meanings through rational discourse in the next stage.

Rational discourse

Consider this misfit between your perceptions and meanings and the social environment. What does the literature say that can help to inform your response? How have others dealt with a similar dilemma?  What options are there to overcome this dilemma? (This section is where you will include some references.)


Based on your experience and reflection, what is your plan of action moving forward that will help you to be a better practitioner in Indigenous health?

 (Please note that if you experience negative thoughts or feelings that last longer than usual or interfere with your everyday life, please contact student wellbeing.)

Based on the following sources:

Bennett D, Power A, Thomson C, Mason B,  Bartleet  BL. Reflection for learning, learning for reflection: Developing Indigenous competencies in higher education. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice. 2016;13(2):7. Accessed Feb 2019.  

Gibbs G. Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford; 1998.

Mezirow J. Transformative dimensions of adult learning. San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass; 1991.

Resources/Reflection references

For this task, you are required to integrate evidence to support your response in each reflection in Task 1b. It is recommended you draw upon your course readings as well as other relevant sources. Please use Vancouver style of referencing for your in-text referencing and reference lists.  Each reflection should contain at least one (1) scholarly reference. 


Formative feedback will be provided on your reflection exercise in the Week 2 workshop.  You can use this feedback to inform your approach to Task 1a.   

Tasks 1a and 1b - You will be assessed via the marking rubric located in the Assessment task 1 folder on Blackboard.  Summative feedback will be provided via the rubric. You can use this to acknowledge your achievements and note areas to review or extend your learning.  

Expert's Answer

Personal mindset, mode of thinking and perceiving different things is greatly influenced by one’s culture, inherited beliefs and customs. Every action performed by an individual in his routine tasks is somehow shaped in accordance with his personal culture and customs.

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