GEOP8060 Assignment 3: Report 2 Indigenous understandings of environmental health
Maximum word length
3000 words
- Includes executive summary, table of contexts, headings, in-text
- Excludes reference list and
Contribution to final assessment
For this report you will select and focus on a resource development case study which is embedded in an environmental governance and planning process. You will need to critically analyse the case study and discuss the ways Indigenous understandings of environmental health and well-being have, or haven’t, been understood, valued and mobilised. Drawing on the unit framework of ways of seeing and thinking, you need to use the evidence you have gathered for your case study to make a compelling case for how Indigenous understandings of environmental health and well-being should be recognised and valued in environmental governance and planning systems.
Your resource development case study must be different to the one you selected for Report 1. It can be based in Australia or another country. It can be a current or older case study but make sure you can access quality academic literature regarding it as you must draw on good quality academic literature and documentary evidence throughout your report to support your argument.
Your report must include the following (remember all of the following is included in your word count):
- A heading which clearly indicates which case study you are focusing
- A table of
- An executive
- A well-structured report body including:
- A description of your case study and the environmental governance and planning process it is embedded
- A critical analysis of the case study discussing the ways Indigenous understandings of environmental health and well-being have, or haven’t, been understood, valued and
- A compelling case for how Indigenous understandings of environmental health and well-being should be recognised and valued in environmental governance and planning This case needs to be convincing and backed up with strong evidence.
- A clear and strong
- A list of references (including at least 10 strong academic references, remember to draw on the references we have given you in workshops and also see additional readings on Leganto).
Research and references
The purpose of this assignment is to assess your skills in researching and writing up a case of relevant interest to you. This gives you the opportunity to examine and investigate issues at a depth that is not possible to cover in workshops. Please note that you must not recycle case studies and material already submitted as assignments in other units. If in doubt, please discuss the details with me.
You must write a report that puts forward an argument in support of your recommendation - and you must ensure that your argument is related (preferably directly and clearly) to the unit. You are expected to do substantial research including engaging with journal articles, book chapters, books and some primary documents (websites, legislation, reports etc.). A few references to last week’s Sydney Morning Herald or a few Internet sites does not constitute research appropriate to final year university students! Your research will be literature-based (remember throughout the unit we have given you numerous excellent academic references and these are great places from which to start your research
- we expect to see many of these cited in your essay – don’t forget to use Leganto).
You must reference your sources! By this stage of your university studies you should know what this means - and you should know how to set out a reference list. You should also know you should have a page reference whenever you are quoting specific words or referring to an idea from a specific part of the text - citing author and date in these circumstances is not acceptable. Failure to meet an appropriate standard will be penalised (see marking rubric).
Professional format
- Please make sure you report looks professional and is professionally written and structured (see what must be included above)
- Use appropriate referencing styles (we prefer Harvard, in-text referencing but you may use others styles as long as you are consistent).
For guidance regarding writing a report see Chapter 2: Writing a report in Hay, I. (2012). Communicating in Geography and the Environmental Sciences (Fourth Edition). Oxford University Press Melbourne.
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