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Racism refers to the bias or contamination of behaviour that arises from the thought of all human beings not being equal (Grosfoguel, 2016). It means that people do not behave with everyone around them in the same manner. Also, they expect certain attitudes from people of a particular community based solely on their perception of those communities or what they might have heard about them. It prevents people from making rational, natural advances towards others and installs inhibitions in their actions resulting in the emergence of a restrictive and judgmental atmosphere in the society. This essay focuses on reducing racism in Australia. It emphasizes on the fact that racism cannot be erased and hence the celebration of difference shall be enhanced. However, it is critical to value differences as the cultural differences are deeply rooted in the society and could be seen since ages. Moreover, politics of difference could also be felt over the years making it more difficult. The structural racism in the society shall therefore be removed for which possible options have been highlighted.
The statement presented for analysis in this essay is very enlightening. It points to the misunderstanding often associated with the concept of elimination of racism and refutes it beautifully. To eliminate something as undesirable and deep rooted as racism; it is not at all necessary that the identity of different races be culminated as well. The classification that occurs in human beings, on justified and respectful basis, is significant and deserves due honour. The purpose of reducing racism is not to crush this difference. In fact, the intention behind reduction of racism revolves around the eradication of the negativity, scorn and ridicule associated with this system of classification. It aims to remove the bias that appears when different races interact with each other and fall into the pointless competition of superiority. The true purpose behind this cause can only be achieved when all human beings respect each other while accepting and honouring the differences that exist between them.
Racism springs from a feeling of superiority to others, encouraging the person to ridicule the other and not treating him or her with respect. This automatically leads to an oppression of the others, mostly the people who occur in minorities in a society. People may find different excuses for subjecting others to such humiliation. It may include factors such as language, culture, religious background, academic qualification, financial status, religious background, gender and sexual preferences. It is always a more privileged group of people who develops the audacity of denying others equal respect and opportunities. Such behaviour may begin consciously and then seep deeper in the roots of society, leading to unconscious expressions of discrimination. It may take many forms. One such form is that of exploitation, in which people are not rewarded justly for their efforts and talents. Such discrimination usually takes place on gender and racial basis. Physical and/or mental disabilities might earn people the disadvantage of marginalization. They are denied reasonable opportunities of living comfortably and made to suffer. This seems to amalgamate into another dimension of oppression, which is powerlessness. Some people may be outright denied the right to choose for themselves and exercise their powers to authorize and command actions. Sometimes, the mere attribute of being in majority instills a feeling of superiority among people and allows the negative behaviour of imperialism to propagate. Such people will consider anything different from them as an outcast and subject it to humiliation and suppression. Oppression takes its worst form in violence, where physical abuse is tormented upon sufferers.
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