FLI307 First Line Intervention - Assessment 3: Critical Analysis of a Case Study

Assessment Task

This assessment is designed to assess your knowledge regarding the nursing care of the patient requiring emergency care in an isolated practice context.

In this assessment you will review the case of a patient who requires emergency care in an isolated practice community context. Through analysis of the information provided in the case study you will answer a series of short answer questions in 2000 words (+/- 10%).

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


The role of the registered nurse in isolated practice contexts is vast. They require knowledge of primary health care skills such as health promotion and vaccination, chronic disease management strategies and responding to emergency situations such as the trauma, poisoning or acute illnesses. The nurse working in isolated practice context is often working under low supervision and in circumstances where human and physical resources are limited. The nurse needs to be able to make clinical decision quickly and effectively and work closely with and care for people they live and work.

The questions in this case study were developed to assist you to apply your knowledge and skills to provide emergency or primary care in an unpredictable versus a predictable resource rich health environment. This includes being able to identify early signs of deterioration, communicate effectively with the interprofessional and non-professional team. An important tool for the registered nurse in this context is to refine their ability to regularly reflect on their professional practice to ensure that they are delivering a quality evidence-based health care product to the regional, rural or remote Australian community.


To complete this assessment read the following instructions and undertake the activity.

Answer a series of short answer questions based on the analysis of the information provided in the case study (approx. 2,000 words) Read the case study of Michael attached under Assessment 3 information section and answer the following questions. When answering questions associated with the case study, reflect on your previous experiences where you may have cared for an individual experiencing an emergency situation that is deteriorating. Use 10+ academic, peer reviewed resources to support your discussion.

  1. What are the signs and symptoms that Michael is deteriorating? (approx. 200 words)?
  2. What could be the potential cause of his deterioration? Describe the pathophysiology of septicaemia? (approx. 400 words)
  3. What are your immediate nursing responsibilities in this situation? Provide reasons for your plan of action (approx. 500 words).
  4. What communication strategies must be implemented so that you, the only registered nurse currently available in the community, can communicate effectively with Michael, his family, the medical officer, the retrieval team and the wider community? (approx. 300 words)
  5. Michael’s wife is employed at the centre and someone you regularly communicate with both professionally and in the community, what challenges does this bring to the care you deliver (approx. 200 words)
  6. What strategies would you implement during the emergency and post the emergency to maintain professional and personal safety? (approx. 200 words).


  • A cover page must be included which includes; subject name and code, assessment number,student name, student number and word count
  • Present your assessment in 12-point font, Arial or Times New Roman, 1.5 line spaced and a minimum of 5cm margins.
  • Page numbers should be included in the footer along with student ID number
  • Suggested Structure
    • A brief succinct introduction should be written to introduce the case study and intention of the case study analysis (approx.100 words).
    • A conclusion should be written which sums up any significant findings and concludes the case study analysis in an engaging way. No new information should be introduced in the conclusion (approx.100 words).
    • Use Headings and Subheadings where appropriate to indicate the question is being addressed
    • Write your case study report in the third
    • Familiarise yourself with the rubric to ensure you are addressing the relevant elements within your case
    • Submit your report as a word document (unprotected) and not PDF

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