Essay on Employment Relations Case - Assignment Help

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The protection of worker’s entitlements and rights is carried out through different legislations, agreements and awards at national and international levels. All small and large organizations are bound to comply with workplace legislations of employment relations, such that all part time and full time workers are offered enhanced protection within organization. The present essay is based on analysis of a case, whereby rights of worker are violated and entitlements of worker are not paid in fair manner. The chose case is of Domino’s which has exploited vulnerable work on foreign visa and trimmed the working hours, for reducing the amount of wage then the deserved wage of worker. The essay has provided detailed background of Domino’s, along with identification of the legislations through which worker might claim his rights in Domino’s. Additionally, it is detailed that how colleagues, union and management might be engaged under different legislations and agreements to state the comprised entitlements of worker of Domino’s. 

Background of Case Organization – Domino’s 

Domino’s Pizza Inc. has been chosen as a case for assessing the extent to which employment relations legislations of Australia are being followed by the company and workers’ entitlements are paid in fair manner. Domino’s is American based multinational pizza chain which is working since 1960 to provide tasty and quality pizzas to customers all across the world. Domino’s is operating in Australia for years and it has large number of stores within country (Park et al., 2012). The investigation of Fair Work Ombudsman has highlighted that only few stores of Domino’s have shown compliance with Fair Work legislations and most of them are bypassing entitlements of workers. For instance, since 2013 to 2018, most of the delivery boys and staff of Domino’s working in store has been underpaid. These evidences clearly identify that Domino’s work place policies are not complied with fair work regulations and thus selection of this organization is well justified in underlying case assessment of employee relations. 

Discussion of Employee Relations Case of Domino’s Pizza

Regardless of detailed regulations of Fair Work regarding entitlements of workers in Australia, it is witnessed that Domino’s has been found engaged in issue of underpayment of workers. Domino’s has historically made changes in enterprise agreements to lower the level of casual work along with increase of part time work in stores (Forsyth & Smart, 2009). The workers mainly hired in Domino’s are 25 and below, with most of them are on foreigners visa, making them most vulnerable workforce. The identified worker (who has been exploited by Domino’s) was of 22 years, on foreigner’s visa and was struggling to meet his expenses within Australia. This evidence shows that worker belonged to vulnerable population which has made it obvious that Domino’s is engaged in exploitation of vulnerable groups of workers. The worker has received less payment as compared to the hours worked. Apart from the claim of foreign worker for being underpaid at Domino’s, it is also considerable that store management Azrael Yin has also took initiative to inform the head office that franchisee has enforced him to keep the labor cost below 27% as compared to total cost of sales (Ferguson & Christodoulou, 2017). The store manager has further mentioned that he used to trim the number of hours worked by the workers, such that total wages can be lowered to keep the cost at lowest side (Ferguson & Christodoulou, 2017). This evidence has noted that worker was exploited and was paid less for the work done by him on daily basis. This is non-compliance with the Fair Work Ombudsmen, which states that working hours of staff should be recorded carefully and they should be paid fairly in accordance with their work (Gollan, 2009)

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