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EDF4610 Assessment 1 Annotated Bibliography

(To be read after the Topics and recommended journals document that appears in the same guides and resources folder as this document)

  1. Decide on an issue and tell your tutor by the end of Week 2.
  2. Read articles from the journals given in the relevant weeks and think about how they might relate to your issue. Please do not use the weekly readings as your articles – look for articles in the recommended journals. If you want to use a different journal for up to two of your articles, you need to choose a journal that appears in the Monash library database. If all your articles in your annotated bibliography are from the same journal, this is fine.
  3. Only include FOUR articles in your annotated bibliography.
  4. For each article: Use the assessment 1 rubric in the assessment section of Moodle. You will find this in the guides and resources folder. This is what your tutor will use to mark your assignment. Do NOT fill out this rubric yourself, but use it as a guide for writing your annotated bibliography. The questions written in the criteria section are to help you think.
  5. Use the APA referencing system as a heading for each reading in your annotated bibliography. For example:

Ku, K. (2013). The role of verbal reasoning in critical thinking. In S. Phillipson, K. Ku & S.N. Phillipson (eds.), Constructing educational achievement: A sociocultural perspective (pp.231-241). London: Routledge.

You should have 4 references as headings and then 1 extra section at the end of the annotated bibliography addressing the final criterion in the rubric (see assessment 1 rubric in guides and resources section on Moodle). An introduction and a reference list are not required. You would only need a reference list if you are using extra references to talk about the readings, but this is optional.

  1. The font and style should be easy to read. If you are unsure, Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing is acceptable.
  2. Any readings you choose to use in any of your EDF4610 assessments need to be written in English unless a tutor permits otherwise. We apologise for this but we need to be able to check the references if we need to.
  3. It is important to stick to the word limit, but if you are 10% under or over, this is permissible. This is true for assessment 2b as well.


***If you cannot think of an issue by the end of week 2, please tell your tutor so that they can help you think of one.

Expert's Answer

Four the chosen articles in the study were mainly linked with the inclusive education of children with autism spectrum disorder, however the study of Lui et al. (2015) has talked about the children with special education needs who have some kind of disability. Likewise, the study of Roberts & Webster (2020) has detailed the concerns of school about inclusive education of ASD children, while other three studies have encompassed parents’ perspective and their attitude. Another difference witnessed in the study of Miranda et al. is linked with the notion that it has addressed the general stress level of parents about nurturing of children with ASD, and have not talked about the inclusive education.

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